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Yuan Qinsheng's management thought and socialism with Chinese characteristics


袁勤生,1942年生,江苏省常熟市人,高级经济师、高级政工师,原常 熟江南仪表总厂厂长、常熟市王庄镇党委副书记,现为常熟市名城实业有限 公司总裁,中国管理科学研究院学术委员;先后被南京大学、解放军南京政 治学院等八所高校聘为特约研究员和兼职教授,被江苏省人民政府授予江苏 省文明标兵,被中共中央宣传部、组织部、国家经贸委和全国总工会联合授 予“全国优秀企业思想政治工作者”称号。

Yuan Qinsheng, born in 1942, Changshu, Jiangsu Province, senior economist, senior political engineer, Yuan Chang, deputy secretary of party committee, Changshu Wangzhuang Town, Ltd., President of China Academy of Management Sciences and academic committee member, and was awarded Jiangsu, Provincial Civilized Model, by the Publicity Department, Organization Department and National Federation of Trade Unions.

如果说改革开放是这个时代最壮阔的浪潮,那么袁勤生就是潮头舒 展的风帆;如果说中国特色社会主义是历史上最高的山峰,那么袁勤生管理思想就是峰上长青的松柏。

If the reform and opening up is the most magnificent wave of this era, then Yuan Qinsheng is the sail of the tide; if socialism with Chinese characteristics is the highest mountain in history, then Yuan Qinsheng's management thought is the evergreen pine and cypress on the peak.

在长达40余年的企业党政管理过程中,袁勤生根植中国特色社会主 义理论体系,由认识到实践,由实践到方法,由方法到理论,由理论到  思想,开拓延展,不断进取,在长期的管理工作中总结出了一套强劲有效,不可替代,源远流长的袁勤生管理思想理论体系。

In more than 40 years in the process of enterprise party and government management, Yuan Qinsheng grounding theory system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, from recognition to practice, from practice to method, from method to theory, from theory to thought, expand extension, constantly enterprising, in the long-term management work summarizes a set of strong effective, irreplaceable, long-established Yuan Qinsheng management thought and theory system.

从“四改一渗透”到“两个文明”建设,从“老虎苍蝇一起打”到 “加速社会主义核心价值观落地”,从“以人为本”到“推动共同富裕”, 一路走来,袁勤生管理思想海纳百川,博采众长,与时俱进,它不再仅 仅是一种企业管理思想,也是一种推动人民富裕,国家富强的经济学思想,更是一种符合历史客观规律,关乎人性解放和全人类进步的哲学思想。

From "four change a penetration" to "two civilization" construction, from "tiger flies" to "accelerate the socialist core values", "from" the people-oriented "to" promote common prosperity ", along the way, Yuan Qinsheng management thought all rivers run into sea, eclecticism, advancing with The Times, it is no longer just a kind of enterprise management thought, is also a kind of promote people rich, national rich economic thought, but also a kind of conform to the objective laws of history, the philosophy of human liberation and the progress of all mankind.


No matter in the past or now, Yuan Qinsheng always stood on the standpoint of the people, from the masses to the masses, truly seeking happiness for the people, progress for the nation and rejuvenation for the country.


The first river east to the big waves and sand

“如爱尔维修所说,每一个社会时代都需要有自己的伟大人物,如果没有 出现这样的人物,时代就要把他创造出来。 ”   《马克思恩格斯全集》(第一卷)

"As AlRepair said, every social era needs to have its own great man, and if there is no such a figure, The Times will create him."《 The Complete Works of Marx and Engels (Volume 1)


The prelude to reform


When the important moment of history comes to the gate, it takes great courage to take the initiative to meet it.

1978年12月,影响深远的十一届三中全会在北京召开, 一场如火 如荼的社会改革也即将展开,然而,坐落于江苏省常熟市王庄镇的王庄 水泥制品厂却是一片衰败景象,工人无所事事,气氛冷冷清清,地面坑坑洼洼,厂房杂草从生。

In December 1978, the far-reaching third plenary session of the 11th held in Beijing, a fire, social reform is coming, however, located in changshu, Jiangsu province, wangzhuang cement products factory is a declining scene, workers doing nothing, deserted atmosphere, the ground potholes, plant weeds from raw.

作为江南仪表厂的前身,王庄水泥制品厂这座乡镇企业诞生于1962 年,靠着浇筑各种水泥制品起家,兴盛之时曾一度承包了王庄全公社农 户的楼房建设任务,并建立了自己的水泥货驳船生产线,但在经历了十 多年的风霜后,终因管理不善导致经济一落千丈, 一度到了资不抵债,连工人工资都无法正常支付的地步。

As the predecessor of jiangnan instrument factory, wangzhuang cement products factory the township enterprise was born in 1962, years, by pouring all kinds of cement products, thriving had once contracted the wangzhuang commune farmers, the building construction task, and established their own cement barge production line, but after more than a decade of frost, eventually due to mismanagement, once insolvent, even workers wages cannot normal pay.

若是在故事里, 一个衰败的舞台往往都会有一个最为璀璨的主角上 台扭转乾坤,但这是现实。在当时,没有人看好江南仪表厂这个人心涣 散,濒临倒闭的舞台。不得已,当时的公社党委决定对这个企业进行整顿,并物色了一位优秀的大队书记前往任职,以期重振旗鼓,扭亏为盈,将江南仪表厂从濒临倒闭的边缘拉回。但在前往厂里实际调查的过程中, 该大队书记发现,事情的棘手程度超乎想象:为了跳出三就地的局限, 厂里增设了一个仪表车间,试产工业仪表,但因为在用工和管理上僵化 保守,徇私舞弊,造成了工厂混乱,人心涣散的景象,厂内偷窃、赌博、酗酒、闹事等恶劣行径无所不有,停工停产已经两个月有余。

If in the story, a declining stage will often have a most brilliant protagonist on stage to turn the tide, but this is the reality. At that time, no one is optimistic about the Jiangnan instrument factory this heart lax, on the verge of bankruptcy stage. As a last resort, the commune party committee decided to rectify the enterprise, and found an excellent brigade secretary to take office, in order to revive, turn a profit, the jiangnan instrument factory from the brink of bankruptcy back. But in the process of actual investigation to the factory, the brigade secretary found that things difficult beyond imagination: in order to jump out of the limitations of three, the factory added an instrument workshop, trial-production industrial instrument, but because on the labor and management rigidity, practice favoritism, caused the factory chaos, the factory, stealing, gambling, drinking, trouble and other bad behavior, shutdown production has been more than two months.

面对这种情况,被委派的大队书记提出了两个要求: 一是按照提供 的名单开除六名员工,二是江南仪表厂的前账要由工办接收处理,而自 己要另立新账,重新开始经营。在公社党委研究后,同意了该大队书记 开除员工的要求,但规定账本必须连续。这样的结果让双方陷入了僵持,江南仪表厂的改革要务也就此搁置。

In the face of this situation, the appointed secretary of the brigade to put forward two requirements: one is according to the list of fired six employees, the second is jiangnan instrument factory to be received by the work office, and oneself to establish a new account, to operate again. After the commune party committee study, agreed to the secretary of the brigade to expel the staff request, but stipulated that the books must be continuous. Such a result let the two sides into a stalemate, jiangnan instrument factory reform priorities are also shelved.


When the situation became more difficult and the situation became worse, everyone felt that the outcome of the jiangnan instrument factory could not be reversed, there is a person who knocked on the door of the office of the party secretary, volunteered, ordered to go to the jiangnan instrument factory. This man is Yuan Qinsheng.



Yuan Qinsheng was born in Changshu, Jiangsu province in 1942. This "the soil is rich without flood and drought" gave him a unique wisdom and aura. As a famous national historical and cultural city, one of the central cities in China's county economy, culture, finance, trade, exhibition and shipping, growing up in Changshu, has profound vision and lofty ambition since childhood.

在长期的社会生活中,袁勤生参与过国营工厂车间管理,主持过厂  共青团工作,兼任过公社农民业余教育辅导员,参与过农村扫盲和农民  文化教育工作,进纺织厂当过工人,当过临时助征员,从事过农机厂主  办会计。在他勇挑重担之前,袁勤生正在公社机关办副职岗位上主持工作, 丰富的社会经验、生活阅历和工作中长期的观察思考让这个“江南才子” 深刻的洞识了计划经济条件下的一些弊端和以往思想政治工作中存在的  假大空成分,也正是因此,袁勤生对当时才刚刚确立的“改革开放政策” 和“中国特色社会主义理论体系”怀有满腔的向往和热情。当别人还在  为变革惶惶不安的时候,袁勤生却已经清晰地认识到,自己要化理想为实践,主动投身到这场润泽华夏大地的春雨中去。


In the long-term social life, Yuan Qinsheng participated in the workshop management of state-owned factories, presided over the work of the Communist Youth League of the factory, served as the amateur education counselor of farmers in the commune, participated in rural literacy and farmers, cultural education work, worked as a worker in a textile factory, as a temporary assistant, and engaged in the accountant of agricultural machinery factory. Before he carry burden, Yuan Qinsheng is commune office deputy post host, rich social experience, life experience and work long-term observation thinking make the "jiangnan wit" deep insight into the disadvantages of the planned economy and the ideological and political work, it is therefore, Yuan Qinsheng was just established "reform and opening up policy" and "the system of theories of socialism with Chinese characteristics" with yearning and enthusiasm. While others are still worried about the change, Yuan Qinsheng has clearly realized that he wants to turn his ideal into practice and take the initiative to participate in the spring rain that moistens the land of China. Just like the reform and opening up came to the land of China, Yuan Qinsheng came to the Jiangnan Instrument Factory with full of ambition. The intersection of fate was completed at this moment, and the turning point of The Times began.

力 挽 狂 澜

turn back the powers of darkness

1980年,袁勤生主动要求平级下沉,辞去公社工办副主任的职务, 接手了当时人心分裂,经济萎靡的江南仪表厂。他要化理想为实践,投身到改革开放和中国特色社会主义建设的第一线去。

In 1980, Yuan Qinsheng took the initiative to sink, resigned as deputy director of the commune office, and took over the pided and depressed Jiangnan instrument factory at that time. He should turn his ideal into practice and devote himself to the front line of reform and opening up and the construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

正如同列宁所说的一样: “现在一切都在于实践,现在已经到了这样一个历史关头:理论在变为实践,理论由实践赋予活力,由实践来修正,由实践来检验。” (《列宁专题文集》)当时,改革开放政策和中国特 色社会主义理论刚刚确立,急需用实践去检验和发扬,而袁勤生正是其中的领头兵、先锋队、拓路者。

Just as Lenin said, " Now everything is in practice, and now it has reached such a historical juncture: theory is turning into practice, theory is given vitality by practice, corrected by practice and tested by practice."(《 Lenin) At that time, the reform and opening up policy and the theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics had just been established, and it was urgently needed to be tested and developed by practice, and Yuan Qinsheng was the leading soldier, the vanguard and the pioneer.

在前往任职的第一天,袁勤生就在就职演讲上言辞恳切,情感真挚 地和全体员工讲述了自己的想法:  “人家说新官上任三把火,可我没有 火烧,想要搞好企业,主要还是依靠大家。大家必须团结一致, 一个目 标一股劲,携手共进一条心,只要能做到这一点,我们不仅可以彻底改变厂里的面貌,而且还可以创造一个新天地来!”

On the first day of his appointment, Yuan Qinsheng made his inaugural speech and told his thoughts: " People said that the new official had three fires, but I did not have fire. If I want to do a good job in the enterprise, I mainly rely on everyone. We must be united, a goal of one strength, hand in hand in one heart, as long as we can do this, we can not only completely change the face of the factory, but also can create a new world!”


In the face of this heart-to-heart speech, the workers were encouraged, but still skeptical: how will the different new factory director create a new world? Then, Yuan Qinsheng announced that the new instrument workshop would be stopped immediately, and all the employees would go back to the cement workshop. This decision instantly let the factory "fried the pot".


原来,早在袁勤生前来江南仪表 厂任职以前,他就对这里进行了深入 细致的走访调查。袁勤生发现,厂里 的工人之所以消极怠工、内讧不断, 就是因为干部们拉帮结派,大搞特权, 从而导致企业经济衰落,效益低下, 而日渐萎靡的经济效益又给工人带来 了新的不满,造成江南仪表厂衰落的 一切的原因就在于此。其中最为突出 的原因和矛盾中心点则是新办的仪表车间。

It turned out that as early as Yuan Qin came to Jiangnan instrument Factory before his job, he conducted an in-depth and meticulous investigation here. Yuan Qinsheng found that the reason why the workers in the factory were down and constantly fighting was because the cadres formed cliques and made privileges, which led to the economic decline of the enterprise, low efficiency, and the increasingly declining economic benefits brought new dissatisfaction to the workers, which was the reason for the decline of the Jiangnan instrument factory. Among them, the most prominent reason and the contradiction center point is the new instrument workshop.

人不患寡而患不均。对比工作又 脏又累的水泥车间,工作轻松干净的仪表车间一经创办,就成了全厂工人眼中的“香饽饽”,但在以往干部 的幕后操作、人情往来下,仪表车间承载了大量的干部亲属“专属岗位”, 这样大张旗鼓的特权行为毫无疑问地成为厂里最鲜明的矛盾导火索,工 人们看在眼里却又无可奈何,只能强压怒火,被迫接受。面对这一顽疾, 袁勤生开出一剂猛药,直达病灶,效果立竿见影。在仪表车间停掉后, 人情交易,特权操纵等不公平的现象一并被铲除,工人们在重新受到公 平对待,被一视同仁的情况下,皆纷纷重燃希望之火,对这位扬言要改天换地的新领导竖起了十二万分的信心。

People do not suffer from inequality. Contrast work dirty and tired cement workshop, work easily clean instrument workshop once founded, became the factory workers in the eyes of "beacon", but in the past cadres behind the scenes operation, human relations, instrument workshop bearing a lot of cadres relatives "exclusive post", such a privilege behavior undoubtedly become the most sharp contradiction fuse, the workers see in the eye but helpless, can only pressure anger, forced to accept. In the face of this stubborn disease, Yuan Qinsheng issued a dose of fierce medicine, direct to the lesion, the effect is immediate. After the stop of the instrument workshop, the human trade, privilege manipulation and other unfair phenomena were eradicated, and the workers in the case of being treated equally, all rekindled the fire of hope, and the new leader raised his confidence.

除此以外,袁勤生还做出了一个令所有人出乎意料的决定,他在宣 布就职的会议上表态:  “造成企业今日情况的主要责任不在员工,不少 员工确实做了错事、坏事,但都是被逼出来的。因此我宣布四个字—— ‘刀 下留人’,大家已知道的党委批准开除六名职工,现不予执行,为了和 大家一起办好企业,请你们各自思考,献计献策,共同制订好切实可行 的厂规厂纪。”这一决定让厂里的员工都切实感受到了新来的这位领导 人独特的人格魅力,这六名被免予开除的员工更是改过自新,在长期的 工作中被陆续评上先进。而在厂规厂纪方面,袁勤生也说到做到,始一 上任,他就彻底清查了之前混乱时期厂里发生的打架、斗殴、赌博、酗 酒等不良事件,在了解了事件真相后,依照规定酌情做出了处理,给了 全厂工人一个交代。随后,在袁勤生的主导下,全厂领导干部更是展开 了一场深入车间、科室的全面调研,与全厂工人一起,找出导致厂子乌 烟瘴气的各种歪风邪气,并有针对性地制定了《厂规十条》在厂内严格 推行,袁勤生还强调,在厂规厂纪面前人人平等,工人和干部一视同仁,违章必究,犯规必处,但在此以前的各种违规违纪行为一律既往不咎。

In addition, Yuan Qinsheng also made a decision that surprised everyone. He said at the announcement meeting: " The main responsibility for the situation today is not the employees. Many employees do do something wrong or bad, but they are forced out. Therefore, I announce four words —— 'under the knife', we already know the party committee approved the dismissal of six workers, now not implemented, in order to and, we do a good enterprise together, please think, suggestions, jointly formulate a practical and feasible factory rules and regulations."This decision made the employees in the factory really feel the unique personality charm of the new leader, the six employees who were exempted from dismissal are reformed, in the long-term work was successively rated advanced. In terms of factory rules and regulations, Yuan Qinsheng also said what he did. As soon as he took office, he thoroughly checked the fighting, fighting, gambling, alcohol and other adverse events in the factory before the chaotic period. After understanding the truth of the incident, he dealt with them in accordance with the regulations and gave the whole factory workers an explanation. Then, under the guidance of Yuan Qinsheng, the factory leading cadres is launched a thorough workshop, department comprehensive research, with the factory workers, find out cause the factory, smoke all kinds of evil winds, and targeted to formulate the "factory rules 10" in the factory strictly, Yuan Qinsheng also stressed that everyone is equal in front of the factory rules factory discipline, workers and cadres alike, violations will investigate, foul will be, but before all kinds of violations shall be always bygones.


After Yuan Qinsheng took office after a few doses of good prescriptions, Jiangnan instrument factory changed the past depressed, lax spirit, but he understood that the problem of the heart is solved, the material problem also need to be solved, only in this way, the economy can develop rapidly, Jiangnan instrument factory can truly revitalize.

在经过细致的调查后,袁勤生认为:生产水泥制品只是权宜之计,  江南仪表厂想要发展最终还是需要开发生产仪器仪表。在确定了经营发 展方向后,袁勤生以这一 目标为导向,推出了一系列创新举措,以智立业、 人才兴厂、书面外交、诚信经营,单邀订货、设点销售 ……一套组合拳 多点出击下,江南仪表厂逐渐声名鹊起,产品源源不断地被运送往全国多个大中城市的国营企业,成了全国乡镇企业行列里有口皆碑的佼佼者。

After a careful investigation, Yuan Qinsheng believes that: the production of cement products is only a temporary measure, the Jiangnan instrument factory wants to develop or ultimately need to develop the production of instruments. After determining the business development direction, Yuan Qinsheng to this goal as the guidance, launched a series of innovative measures, with wisdom, talent, written diplomacy, honest management, single order, sales… a set of combination of more attack, jiangnan instrument factory gradually fame, products are continuously transported to many large and medium-sized cities of the state-owned enterprises, became the national township enterprises in the ranks.


Four changes and the implementation of one penetration

在基本扭转了江南仪表厂经济上的颓势,稳住了总体大局后, 一件 小事引起了袁勤生的深思。在仪表车间招收首批学徒工时,厂里按工办 规定的三年定级办法,每月每人发18元补贴。这让袁勤生回忆起自己在 常熟国棉厂工作期间,也是遵循的这种三年定级的制度,据说这是中国几千年来形成的学徒工帮三年学三年的传统,谁都不能改变。

After basically reversing the economic decline of jiangnan instrument factory and stabilizing the overall situation, a small matter caused Yuan Qinsheng's deep thinking. In the instrument workshop to recruit the first batch of apprentices, the factory according to the provisions of the three-year grading method, 18 yuan per month subsidy. This makes Yuan Qinsheng recall the three-year grading system he followed while working in the Changshu National Cotton Factory. It is said that this is a tradition which has been formed for thousands of years in China, and no one can change it.

面对三年定级制度这种对青年成长、成才极为不利的封建糟粕,袁 勤生第一时间想到的就是党的十一届三中全会上号召的,要勇于对一切 不合理的地方做出改革。于是他敢为天下先,在厂长负责制的前提下首 次用权,大胆做出决定:推翻这个延续千年的陈腐规定,不再使用三年 定级的办法,而是采用公开明确的“执行厂规,独立操作,质量合格” 三条标准,只要学徒工进厂达到这三条标准,在经过本人申请和组织考核后即可定级,并按照级别发放工资。

After basically reversing the economic decline of jiangnan instrument factory and stabilizing the overall situation, a small matter caused Yuan Qinsheng's deep thinking. In the instrument workshop to recruit the first batch of apprentices, the factory according to the provisions of the three-year grading method, 18 yuan per month subsidy. This makes Yuan Qinsheng recall the three-year grading system he followed while working in the Changshu National Cotton Factory. It is said that this is a tradition which has been formed for thousands of years in China, and no one can change it.

袁勤生的这一改革虽小,却意义重大,它不仅打破了数千年封建社会遗留下来的陈腐习俗,还是打破了企业衣钵继承的先例,更为青年工人冲破传统束缚,早日成为栋梁之材奠定了坚实的基础。这项改革不仅 解除了封建教条套在青年工人身上的枷锁,还提高了企业培养人才的效率,达到了双重贡献的效果。

Although Yuan Qinsheng's reform is small, but it is of great significance. It not only breaks the old customs left by thousands of years of feudal society, but also breaks the precedent of enterprise mantle inheritance, and lays a solid foundation for young workers to break through the traditional shackles and become pillars as soon as possible. This reform not only lifted the shackles of the feudal dogma on the young workers, but also improved the efficiency of enterprises to cultivate talents, and achieved the effect of double contribution.

在这次小的改革取得卓越成效后,袁勤生充分体会到了改革的伟力, 在通过长期的实践总结和理论研究后,袁勤生在改革的道路上披荆斩棘, 深耕不辍,最终提出了闻名全国的“四改一渗透”政策。该改革政策覆 盖经济、用工、人事、产销四大方面,并坚决地强调了改革的社会主义 方向,把与时俱进、坚持创新和党的思想政治工作一同渗透在上述改革的全过程中,简称“四改一渗透”。

After this small reform achieved remarkable results, Yuan Qinsheng fully realized the great power of reform. After long-term practical summary and theoretical research, Yuan Qinsheng broke on the road of reform, deep ploughing, and finally put forward the famous "four changes and one penetration" policy. The reform policy covers the four aspects of economy, employment, personnel, production and marketing, and firmly emphasizes the socialist direction of reform, keeping pace with The Times, adhere to innovation and the party's ideological and political work together into the whole process of the above-mentioned reform, referred to as "four changes and one infiltration".


在经济方面,  “四改一渗透”强调分配制度的问题,它打破了原来的八级工资制和干多干少一个样的大锅饭平均主义,实行了一固定、二考分、三奖励的新型分配制度,使劳动报酬和劳动成果密切挂钩,充分调动了工人的生产积极性,同时也让好逸恶劳者无处遁形。

In economy, "four change a penetration" emphasizes the problem of distribution system, it broke the original eight wages and dry more dry less like pan equalitarianism, implemented a fixed, two test points, three reward new distribution system, make labor remuneration and labor results closely linked, fully arouse the enthusiasm of the workers' production, at the same time also let them nowhere.

在用工方面, “四改一渗透” 打破了原来按照名额上报,上级负责 审批的分配式招工制度,实行了按需招工、公开招工的招工制度,同时 实行按个人特长爱好分配工种的分配制度,在进行入职培训后,要求达 标的学徒可以随时定级,这样的举措使得工人素质在结构调整和技术培 训中迅速得到提高。在此基础上,厂里还与当地中学合作,在为期四年 的应届初中生中招收一个班级,在半工半读的模式下让高中学业和工厂 培训共同进行,从而培养青年技术型工人,这一举措无疑影响巨大,可谓是现代职业学校的雏形。

In terms of employment, "four change a penetration" broke the original report according to the quota, the superior is responsible for examination and approval of distribution recruitment system, implements the on-demand recruitment, open recruitment recruitment system, at the same time, the hobby work distribution system, after the orientation, requirements, mark apprentice can grading at any time, such measures make the worker quality in structural adjustment and technical training rapidly improved. On this basis, the factory also cooperates with the local middle school to recruit a class in the four-year junior high school students, and in the mode of high school study and factory training, so as to train young skilled workers, which undoubtedly has a huge impact and can be described as the prototype of modern vocational school.

在人事方面, “四改一渗透”废除了单纯的调配和任命制度,转而 实行自报、考核、选聘的新型制度,这样的改革使得工人的才能发挥得到充分满足,各类人才很快便脱颖而出。

In terms of personnel, the "four reforms and one infiltration" abolished the simple deployment and appointment system, and replaced the new system of self-reporting, assessment and selection. Such reform fully satisfied the talents of workers, and all kinds of talents soon stood out.

在产销方面, “四改一渗透”破除了计划经济的条条框框,转而实 行新兴的,生机蓬勃的社会主义市场经济制度,充分拓宽了生产经营活动的维度,为江南仪表厂的发展兴盛增添了无限的可能。

In terms of production and marketing, "four reforms and one infiltration" broke the rules and regulations of planned economy, and turned to the emerging and vigorous socialist market economy system, which fully broadened the dimensions of production and operation activities, and added infinite possibilities for the development and prosperity of Jiangnan instrument factory.

这场改革既解决了国有企业吃大锅饭、捧铁饭碗、思想政治工作形 式主义和管理制度教条主义的问题,又改变了乡镇企业唯利是图、粗制 滥造、 一切向钱看的倾向和粗放的管理模式,同时还象征着计划经济向中国特色社会主义市场经济制度的转变过程。

The reform solved the state-owned enterprises eat pot, holding iron rice bowl, ideological and political work formalism and dogmatism management system, and changed the township enterprise mercenary, shoddy, all tendency to money and extensive management mode, is also a symbol of the planned economy to the transformation of the socialist market economy system with Chinese characteristics.

“四改一渗透”的经验首先获得常熟市委、市政府肯定,并联合发 文批转在全市推广,紧接着苏州市委、江苏省委都以不同方式推广,在摸着石头过河的改革初期,在全国范围内都起到了破冰引领的重大作用。

The experience of "four reforms and one infiltration" was first affirmed by Changshu Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government, and jointly issued a document for promotion in the whole city. Then, Suzhou Municipal Party Committee and Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee were promoted in different ways. In the early stage of the reform of crossing the river by feeling the stones, they played an important role in breaking the ice and leading in the whole country.


Under the reform, Jiangnan Instrument Factory turned a loss into a profit in the second year. By 1997, it had paid the total national tax and township profits of 10.15 million yuan, and all the fixed assets of the enterprise reached more than 20 million yuan. In the economic construction of Jiangnan instrument factory, Yuan Qinsheng gave a full score for the enterprise, the country and the people.


The construction of the two civilizations


In 1984, when the economy of Jiangnan Instrument Factory began to grow steadily, Yuan Qinsheng turned his eyes to the construction of spiritual civilization.

作为一个在破旧的农村小砖窑和水泥制品工厂上建设发展起来的企 业,江南仪表厂一直保持着“少花钱,办好事”的朴素节俭风气,在袁 勤生的倡导下,全厂职工主动参与,自己动手,因陋就简,在业余时间 收集断砖残梁废料,建成了象征着我党优良传统的“延安窑洞”和“南 湖红船”,作为党团活动室。在袁勤生的倡导下,厂里的职工也自觉地向工厂献花,将江南仪表厂建设成了鲜花绽放的百花园。

As a dilapidated rural small brick kiln and cement products factory construction development, jiangnan instrument factory has maintained a "less money, do good things" simple frugal ethos, in yuan, frequently living, under the advocacy of the factory participation, yourself, humble, in his spare time, collect broken brick beam waste, built a symbol of our party's fine tradition "Yan' an cave" and "south lake red boat", as the party activity room. Under the advocacy of Yuan Qinsheng, the workers in the factory also consciously presented flowers to the factory, building the Jiangnan instrument factory into a garden of blooming flowers.

1986年,时任常熟市委书记的孟金元,在三个多月里几乎每周都前 往江南仪表厂深入考察,在考察后还抽调了市委市政府中的九名干部组 成调查组,进驻江南仪表厂再次进行全面的考察。同年5月1日,孟金 元在常熟市报发表署名文章,号召广大企业学习江南仪表厂的文明建设 经验,紧接着,常熟市报连续八期刊登以“江南怒放文明花”为题的系 列报道,江南仪表厂也被评为了常熟市首批文明单位,以表彰它为两个 文明建设起到的引领作用。在那之后,江南仪表厂持续十多年连续被评 为苏州市和江苏省文明单位,袁勤生也获评常熟市十佳乡镇企业家,后 又被评为常熟市首批十名精神文明建设标兵,并被省政府授予“江苏省文明标兵”称号,受到了省领导的亲切接见。同年6月8日,江南仪表厂的工厂风貌被《人民日报》海外版在头版以《祖国风貌》为题刊登,充分向海内外展示了中国特色社会主义环境文明建设的实况成果。

In 1986, Meng Jinyuan, then secretary of the Changshu Municipal Party Committee, went to the Jiangnan Instrument Factory almost every week for more than three months. After the investigation, nine cadres from the Municipal Party Committee and government were dispatched to form an investigation team and entered the Jiangnan Instrument Factory for a comprehensive investigation again. The same year on May 1, Meng Jinyuan in changshu newspaper published a signed article, called on the enterprise learning jiangnan instrument factory civilization construction, experience, then, changshu newspaper eight consecutive period published with "jiangnan civilization in full bloom" system, column, jiangnan instrument factory was evaluated to changshu first civilized unit, for it for two civilization construction play a leading role. After that, jiangnan instrument factory for more than ten years was rated as Suzhou and Jiangsu province civilized unit, Yuan Qinsheng also named changshu top ten township enterprises, changshu was named the first ten spiritual civilization construction pacesetter, and by the provincial government awarded the title of "civilization pacesetter" in Jiangsu province, received a cordial meeting with the provincial leaders. On June 8 of the same year, the factory style of Jiangnan Instrument Factory was published on the front page of the overseas edition of People's Daily with the title of "Style of the Motherland", fully showing the actual achievements of the construction of socialist environmental civilization with Chinese characteristics at home and abroad.

领 航 新 时 代

Leading up to the new era

1988年3月,江南仪表厂对全厂七所公共厕所进行了改造,开创性  地在厕所里设置配备手纸和肥皂,并作出了任何时候不得脱供中断的制  度要求。为做到公共厕所公共管理的目的,袁勤生明确规定:无论是厂  长还是书记和领导班子,都要参与厕所管理,七人每周, 一人一天,负  责轮值达标检查,并把名单公布在公厕墙上。有一次, 一家外地参观团  在听取汇报结束后向袁勤生问及此事,袁勤生回答道: “在文明工厂里,  高层的领导要做一点基层的工作,这样才是真正的人人平等。”后来,  袁勤生把公共厕所的名称也给改了,特地在厕所门上用水泥浇制了“舒园”两字。在袁勤生看来,文明建设的事情无关大小,也不该区分对象是人还 是物,只有这样,好的精神风貌才能像细雨一样,包罗万象,润物无声,无形中渗透到工人的每一寸生活。

In March 1988, Jiangnan Instrument Factory renovated seven public toilets, including toilet paper and soap, and made the system requirement that the supply should not be interrupted at any time. In order to achieve the purpose of public management of public toilets, Yuan Qinsheng clearly stipulated that: whether the factory director, the secretary and the leadership team should participate in the toilet management, seven people a week, one day, responsible for the rotating inspection, and publish the list on the wall of public toilets. Once, a visiting group asked Yuan about the incident after hearing the report. Yuan replied, " In the civilized factory, high-level leaders have to do some grass-roots work, so that everyone is truly equal."Later, Yuan Qinsheng also changed the name of the public toilet, specially pouring the word" Shuyuan " with cement on the toilet door. In Yuan Qinsheng's opinion, the construction of civilization has nothing to do with size, and should it distinguish the object between people or things. Only in this way can a good spirit be like a drizzle, covering everything, moisten things silently, virtually infiltrating into every inch of the life of workers.


The establishment of the people-oriented thought

在袁勤生刚上任时,曾有一件小事,对他在以人为本管理思想的确 立上有着至关重要的影响。当时,工厂急用黄沙,无法马上购进,领导 正为此发愁。 一名曾为欠发工资与领导发生争吵后被处分的员工向袁勤 生提议: “我们工人能为厂里解决急用的黄沙。”袁勤生问其何法?工 人告诉他:平时黄沙堆放的场地在河边,日常刮风下雨、运输装卸作业, 很多黄沙流入河道,都快要影响航道了,可以打捞起来解决急需。但这 名工人同时也提出了一个条件: “在不影响上班的前提下,下班后由我 们组织自愿参加的工人下河打捞,厂里只要派一名保管员随带一杆直尺, 将捞起的黄沙在箩口用直尺刮平,按每箩5毛钱计算即可。有多少算多少,当场兑现,不得欠账。”袁勤生当即同意按工人所说的照办。下班后, 19名工人自发地组织起来,有6人穿了防水胶衣下河,其他人配合, 经过3个多小时的拼搏,共捞得黄沙48箩,当即现付24元。拿到钱后,这些人马上到镇上饭店,包下两桌酒菜,吃得精光!

When Yuan Qinsheng first took office, there was a small thing, which had a crucial influence on the establishment of his people-oriented management thought. At that time, the factory urgent yellow sand, can not buy immediately, the leadership is worried about this. An employee who was punished after a quarrel with a leader over unpaid wages proposed to Yuan: " Our workers can solve the urgent problem of yellow sand in the factory."Yuan Qinsheng asked him what method? The worker told him: usually the sand stacked site in the river, daily wind and rain, transportation and handling operations, a lot of sand into the river, are about to affect the channel, can be salvaged to solve the urgent need. But the worker also put forward a condition: " in the premise of not affecting the work, after work by our organization to participate in the workers in the river, the salvage, as long as the factory sent a custodian with a ruler, the yellow sand in the basket with a ruler scrape flat, according to the basket of 50 cents can be calculated. How many calculate how much, cash on the spot, not debt."Yuan Qinsheng immediately agreed to do what the workers said. After work, 19 workers spontaneously organized, 6 people wore waterproof rubber clothes into the river, others cooperate, after more than 3 hours of hard work, a total of 48 baskets of yellow sand, immediately pay 24 yuan. After getting the money, these men went to the town restaurant, wrapped two tables of wine and food, eat all!


这件事引发了袁勤生良久的回味与思考。他说:  “历史唯物主义告 诉我们,在生产力诸要素中,人是最重要、最活跃的要素。我们提出‘以 人为本’开明管理理念,就是回答了怎样发展、发展依靠谁、发展为了 谁的问题。 一切为了人, 一切依靠人,两者的统一构成‘以人为本’的完整内容。”

This incident triggered Yuan Qinsheng's long aftertaste and thinking. He said: " Historical materialism tells us that among the elements of productive forces, man is the most important and active element. We put forward the concept of 'people-oriented' enlightened management, which answers the question of how to develop, by whom and for whom. Everything is for people, all depends on people, and the unity of the two constitutes the complete content of "people-oriented".”

也正是因此,从“四改一渗透”到“两个文明建设”再到后来的袁 勤生管理思想体系的确立,始终都围绕着人的主题。 “尊重人、关心人、培育人”,这九个字在袁勤生管理思想里贯穿始终。

It is precisely why, from "four reforms and one infiltration" to "the construction of two civilizations" to the establishment of Yuan Qinsheng's management ideological system, it has always been around the theme of people."Respect people, care for people, cultivate people", these nine words in Yuan Qinsheng's management thought throughout.

不难看出,在长期的主持工作中,袁勤生无论是在经济管理方面还 是政治文明建设方面都有一套独具一格的方法,这样的方法和智慧最终 催生出一套完整的、强劲的、有效的袁勤生管理思想理论体系。这样的管理思想脱胎于实践,紧贴着生活,是极为难能可贵的理论财富。

It is not difficult to see that in the long-term hosting work, Yuan Qinsheng has a set of unique methods in both economic management and political civilization construction, and such methods and wisdom eventually gave birth to a complete, strong and effective Yuan Qinsheng management thought and theory system. Such management thought is born from practice, close to life, is extremely valuable theoretical wealth.

毫无疑问,袁勤生的管理思想是扎根于中国特色社会主义理论体系 的,是中国特色社会主义理论体系在实事求是思想指导下的成功落地, 是符合时代特征和实际情况的重要成果。要了解袁勤生的经济管理思想, 就要首先了解中国特色社会主义经济体制独树一帜的优点和其所代表的前所未有的历史高度。

There is no doubt that Yuan Qinsheng's management thought is rooted in the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, which is the successful implementation of the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics under the guidance of the thought of seeking truth from facts, and is an important achievement in line with the characteristics of The Times and the actual situation. In order to understand Yuan Qinsheng's economic management thought, it is necessary to first understand the unique advantages of the socialist economic system with Chinese characteristics and the unprecedented historical height it represents.


The second article carries a small meaning


Society is composed of practice, and the subject of practice is people.


The theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics is a theoretical system related to human beings

自两百多年前英国开始工业革命以来,市场经济就彻底改变了人类 历史。 “资本主义市场经济100年来所创造的财富超越了以往一切时代的总和。”——马克思

Since the beginning of the industrial revolution more than 200 years ago, the market economy has completely changed human history."The capitalist market economy has created more wealth in the past 100 years than in all previous times combined."—— Marx

从威廉 ·配第到亚当 ·斯密,再到大卫 ·李嘉图,由英国发源的古 典政治经济学地位在当时日益攀升,它所代表的市场经济在当时也确有 其反对封建,发展生产力的先进特性。但其只注重经济而不注重分配, 将分配交予自由市场, 一切靠竞争的特性注定成为其与生俱来且永远抹不去的弊病。

From William to Adam Smith and then to David Ricardo, the status of classical political economy originating in Britain was rising day by day at that time, and the market economy it represented also had its advanced characteristics of opposing feudalism and developing productive forces. However, it only pays attention to the economy but not the distribution, and gives the distribution to the free market. All the characteristics of competition are destined to become its inherent and indelible ills.

无论是1825年发生在英国的世界上第一次经济危机还是2008年发 生在美国的金融危机,都是分配矛盾在经济层面的体现,因为分配不均, 大量的工人失去购买能力,导致大量的商品囤积、企业倒闭,从而让更 多的工人失去购买能力,陷入无法挽回的循环。观其规律,就可以发现经济危机都发生在那个时代市场经济最为发达的国家。

Whether in 1825 in the world or the first economic crisis in the United States in 2008, is the contradiction in the economic level, because of the uneven distribution, a large number of workers lose the ability to buy, lead to a lot of goods hoarding, business collapse, so that more workers lose ability to buy, into an irreparable cycle. Looking at its law, we can find that the economic crisis occurred in the most developed market economy in that era.

以史为鉴。中国现在的GDP 位居世界前列,其中占大比重的就是市 场经济,因此分配问题需要重视,也因此,谁能发挥中国特色社会主义 理论中关于分配制度的先进性,谁就能在一定程度上解决企业乃至社会问题。

past is future. China's GDP is now among the top in the world, among which the market economy accounts for a large proportion. Therefore, the distribution problem needs to be paid attention to. Therefore, whoever can give full play to the advanced nature of the distribution system in the theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics will be able to solve the problems of enterprises and even society to a certain extent.

在袁勤生的管理思想中,分配一直是被严格重视的问题,他推行的 改革中,大量改革都围绕着分配制度,无论是工资上的经济分配,还是 纪律上的权利分配,抑或制度上的义务分配,可以说,根植于中国特色社会主义的优秀分配制度在袁勤生思想里贯穿始终。

In Yuan Qinsheng management thought, distribution has always been strictly seriously, he introduced the reform, a large number of reform around the distribution system, whether wages on the economic distribution, or the rights of discipline, or the system of obligations, can say, rooted in the socialism with Chinese characteristics in Yuan Qinsheng thought throughout.

经济基础决定上层建筑。在西方国家的历史上,自由市场经济的分 配问题在经济层面上表现为社会性的经济危机,而在经济危机仍不能解 决分配问题后,就会升格为政治上的战争危机,在生产力急剧增长,分配制度却未能跟上脚步的情况下,欧洲就成为了两场世界大战的发源地。

The economic base determines the superstructure. In the history of western countries, the distribution of free market economy in the economic level of social economic crisis, and after the economic crisis still can't solve the problem of distribution, will be upgraded to political war crisis, sharp growth in productivity, distribution system failed to keep up with the situation, Europe has become the birthplace of the two world wars.

经济危机和两场世界大战间接催生了苏联的诞生,计划经济这一经 济制度开始粉墨登台,计划经济虽然一定程度上解决了分配制度的问题, 但它的权力过分集中,怎样分配全靠权力中枢说了算,而权力中枢毕竟 是人组成的,无法对社会进行全面的洞察,因此逐渐僵化、腐朽、失去生命力,最终导致苏联的解体。

Economic crisis and two world wars indirectly spawned the birth of the Soviet union, planned economy, the economic system began to stage, planned economy although to some extent solved the problem of the distribution system, but its power too concentrated, how to allocate all by the power, and power is, after all, cannot be a comprehensive insight into society, so gradually rigid, decay, lose vitality, eventually lead to the collapse of the Soviet union.


这件事引发了袁勤生良久的回味与思考。他说:  “历史唯物主义告 诉我们,在生产力诸要素中,人是最重要、最活跃的要素。我们提出‘以 人为本’开明管理理念,就是回答了怎样发展、发展依靠谁、发展为了 谁的问题。 一切为了人, 一切依靠人,两者的统一构成‘以人为本’的完整内容。”

This incident triggered Yuan Qinsheng's long aftertaste and thinking. He said: " Historical materialism tells us that among the elements of productive forces, man is the most important and active element. We put forward the concept of 'people-oriented' enlightened management, which answers the question of how to develop, by whom and for whom. Everything is for people, all depends on people, and the unity of the two constitutes the complete content of "people-oriented".”

也正是因此,从“四改一渗透”到“两个文明建设”再到后来的袁 勤生管理思想体系的确立,始终都围绕着人的主题。 “尊重人、关心人、培育人”,这九个字在袁勤生管理思想里贯穿始终。

It is precisely why, from "four reforms and one infiltration" to "the construction of two civilizations" to the establishment of Yuan Qinsheng's management ideological system, it has always been around the theme of people."Respect people, care for people, cultivate people", these nine words in Yuan Qinsheng's management thought throughout.

不难看出,在长期的主持工作中,袁勤生无论是在经济管理方面还 是政治文明建设方面都有一套独具一格的方法,这样的方法和智慧最终 催生出一套完整的、强劲的、有效的袁勤生管理思想理论体系。这样的管理思想脱胎于实践,紧贴着生活,是极为难能可贵的理论财富。

It is not difficult to see that in the long-term hosting work, Yuan Qinsheng has a set of unique methods in both economic management and political civilization construction, and such methods and wisdom eventually gave birth to a complete, strong and effective Yuan Qinsheng management thought and theory system. Such management thought is born from practice, close to life, is extremely valuable theoretical wealth.

毫无疑问,袁勤生的管理思想是扎根于中国特色社会主义理论体系 的,是中国特色社会主义理论体系在实事求是思想指导下的成功落地, 是符合时代特征和实际情况的重要成果。要了解袁勤生的经济管理思想, 就要首先了解中国特色社会主义经济体制独树一帜的优点和其所代表的前所未有的历史高度。

There is no doubt that Yuan Qinsheng's management thought is rooted in the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, which is the successful implementation of the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics under the guidance of the thought of seeking truth from facts, and is an important achievement in line with the characteristics of The Times and the actual situation. In order to understand Yuan Qinsheng's economic management thought, it is necessary to first understand the unique advantages of the socialist economic system with Chinese characteristics and the unprecedented historical height it represents.


The second article carries a small meaning


Society is composed of practice, and the subject of practice is people.


The theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics is a theoretical system related to human beings

自两百多年前英国开始工业革命以来,市场经济就彻底改变了人类 历史。 “资本主义市场经济100年来所创造的财富超越了以往一切时代的总和。”——马克思

Since the beginning of the industrial revolution more than 200 years ago, the market economy has completely changed human history."The capitalist market economy has created more wealth in the past 100 years than in all previous times combined."—— Marx

从威廉 ·配第到亚当 ·斯密,再到大卫 ·李嘉图,由英国发源的古 典政治经济学地位在当时日益攀升,它所代表的市场经济在当时也确有 其反对封建,发展生产力的先进特性。但其只注重经济而不注重分配, 将分配交予自由市场, 一切靠竞争的特性注定成为其与生俱来且永远抹不去的弊病。

From William to Adam Smith and then to David Ricardo, the status of classical political economy originating in Britain was rising day by day at that time, and the market economy it represented also had its advanced characteristics of opposing feudalism and developing productive forces. However, it only pays attention to the economy but not the distribution, and gives the distribution to the free market. All the characteristics of competition are destined to become its inherent and indelible ills.

无论是1825年发生在英国的世界上第一次经济危机还是2008年发 生在美国的金融危机,都是分配矛盾在经济层面的体现,因为分配不均, 大量的工人失去购买能力,导致大量的商品囤积、企业倒闭,从而让更 多的工人失去购买能力,陷入无法挽回的循环。观其规律,就可以发现经济危机都发生在那个时代市场经济最为发达的国家。

Whether in 1825 in the world or the first economic crisis in the United States in 2008, is the contradiction in the economic level, because of the uneven distribution, a large number of workers lose the ability to buy, lead to a lot of goods hoarding, business collapse, so that more workers lose ability to buy, into an irreparable cycle. Looking at its law, we can find that the economic crisis occurred in the most developed market economy in that era.

以史为鉴。中国现在的GDP 位居世界前列,其中占大比重的就是市 场经济,因此分配问题需要重视,也因此,谁能发挥中国特色社会主义 理论中关于分配制度的先进性,谁就能在一定程度上解决企业乃至社会问题。

past is future. China's GDP is now among the top in the world, among which the market economy accounts for a large proportion. Therefore, the distribution problem needs to be paid attention to. Therefore, whoever can give full play to the advanced nature of the distribution system in the theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics will be able to solve the problems of enterprises and even society to a certain extent.

在袁勤生的管理思想中,分配一直是被严格重视的问题,他推行的 改革中,大量改革都围绕着分配制度,无论是工资上的经济分配,还是 纪律上的权利分配,抑或制度上的义务分配,可以说,根植于中国特色社会主义的优秀分配制度在袁勤生思想里贯穿始终。

In Yuan Qinsheng management thought, distribution has always been strictly seriously, he introduced the reform, a large number of reform around the distribution system, whether wages on the economic distribution, or the rights of discipline, or the system of obligations, can say, rooted in the socialism with Chinese characteristics in Yuan Qinsheng thought throughout.

经济基础决定上层建筑。在西方国家的历史上,自由市场经济的分 配问题在经济层面上表现为社会性的经济危机,而在经济危机仍不能解 决分配问题后,就会升格为政治上的战争危机,在生产力急剧增长,分配制度却未能跟上脚步的情况下,欧洲就成为了两场世界大战的发源地。

The economic base determines the superstructure. In the history of western countries, the distribution of free market economy in the economic level of social economic crisis, and after the economic crisis still can't solve the problem of distribution, will be upgraded to political war crisis, sharp growth in productivity, distribution system failed to keep up with the situation, Europe has become the birthplace of the two world wars.

经济危机和两场世界大战间接催生了苏联的诞生,计划经济这一经 济制度开始粉墨登台,计划经济虽然一定程度上解决了分配制度的问题, 但它的权力过分集中,怎样分配全靠权力中枢说了算,而权力中枢毕竟 是人组成的,无法对社会进行全面的洞察,因此逐渐僵化、腐朽、失去生命力,最终导致苏联的解体。

Economic crisis and two world wars indirectly spawned the birth of the Soviet union, planned economy, the economic system began to stage, planned economy although to some extent solved the problem of the distribution system, but its power too concentrated, how to allocate all by the power, and power is, after all, cannot be a comprehensive insight into society, so gradually rigid, decay, lose vitality, eventually lead to the collapse of the Soviet union.


如何才能避免这种情况?中国特色社会主义很好地回答了这一问题, 那就是不搞一言堂,让群众说话,有问题大家一起解决。 “让人讲话,  天塌不下来!”正是中国特色社会主义制度的优越性所在,而袁勤生的 理念与伟人不谋而合,他不仅允许工人说话,  “言者无罪”,甚至还奖  励工人说话,  “言者有功”,袁勤生充分地发挥了中国特色社会主义制 度的优越性,鼓励工人敢想敢干,想干什么就干什么,想学什么就学什么, 想说什么就说什么,有问题一起解决,有困难一起面对,让整个厂里的制度显得生机勃勃。

How can this be avoided? Socialism with Chinese characteristics has provided a good answer to this question, that is, we should not let the people speak up and solve any problems together."Let people talk, the sky will not fall!"It is the superiority of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics, and the idea of Yuan Qinsheng and great man, he not only allows workers to speak," innocent ", even award, excitation workers," active ", Yuan Qinsheng give full play to the superiority of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics, encourage workers dare to dare to dare to do, do, want to learn to learn to say what to say, solve problems together, have difficulties together, let the whole factory system is full of vitality.

除了市场经济和计划经济,历史上还有两场昙花一现的成功先例, 一个是列宁时期的新经济政策, 一个是美国的罗斯福新政,他们在一定 程度上对后来的中国特色社会主义产生了影响,启发了中国特色社会主义的诞生。

In addition to market economy and planned economy, there are two short-lived successful precedents in history, one is the new economic policy in the Lenin period, the other is the Roosevelt New Deal in the United States. To a certain extent, they had an influence on the later socialism with Chinese characteristics and inspired the birth of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

作为一个新生的事物,中国特色社会主义可谓是站在了历史的高峰, 她不仅吸收了市场经济活泼的特点,还吸收了计划经济中劲往一处使的 宏观调控力,同时,她摒弃了市场经济金钱至上,只注重生产力而不注 重分配问题的弊端,同时还消除了计划经济中僵化,腐朽的问题。中国 特色社会主义既注重经济发展过程中人的重要性,又注重权力分配中人的重要性,是一门关乎人的理论体系。

As a new thing, socialism with Chinese characteristics is standing in the history of peak, she not only absorbed the characteristics of market economy, also absorbed the planned economy toward one place makes the macroeconomic control, at the same time, she abandoned the market economy money, only pay attention to productivity and not pay attention to the disadvantages of distribution problem, but also eliminate the rigidity in the planned economy, the problem of decay. Socialism with Chinese characteristics not only pays attention to the importance of people in the process of economic development, but also in the distribution of power, which is a theoretical system related to people.

在中国特色社会主义理论指导下的政治经济学观念里,工人既是全社会最大的生产者,又是最大的消费者,但现在的企业在管理过程中往 往忽略工人消费者的属性,只认为工人是生产工作的承担者,这无疑违 背了中国特色社会主义理论指导下的政治经济学所表达的客观规律,这 样的后果是极为严重的,也正是因此,兼顾两者的袁勤生管理思想才显得具有极强的实用和指导性意义。

In under the guidance of the theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the concept of political economics, workers is the biggest producer of the whole society, and the biggest consumers, but now the enterprise in the management process often ignore the attributes of workers and consumers, only think workers are production work, this breach, back the political economy under the guidance of the objective laws, the consequences is very serious, it is, therefore, both Yuan Qinsheng management thought has a strong practical and guiding significance.

在袁勤生管理思想中,工人被放置在了主人公的地位,无论是主观 上还是客观上,无论是经济上还是心理上,工人的身心都得到了全方位 的满足,只有在这样的情况下,他们才能在工作时承担生产者的身份,  不工作时承担消费者的身份,从而拉动社会总体消费需求,为经济发展 注入活力。在全球性关联退火,各国经济解耦的当下,工人作为消费者 角色所带来的强大内需对整个国家和社会更是具有举足轻重的意义。也 因此,袁勤生管理思想是符合中国特色社会主义理论指导下的政治经济  学规律的,它的适用范围绝不仅仅是一家企业, 一个集团,而是整个社会,整个国家,乃至整个世界。

In Yuan Qinsheng management thought, workers are placed in the position of the hero, both subjective and objective, both economic and psychological, workers' body and mind, only in this case, they can bear the identity of the producers, when not work bear the identity of the consumer, to boost the overall consumer demand, vitality for economic development. At a time when global correlation anneals and national economies are decoupled, the strong domestic demand brought by the role of workers as consumers is of great significance to the whole country and society. Therefore, Yuan Qinsheng's management thought is in line with the law of political economy under the guidance of the theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Its application scope is not only an enterprise, a group, but the whole society, the whole country and even the whole world.

袁勤生的管理思想脱胎于实践,根植于中国特色社会主义,吸纳了 中国特色社会主义的思想精华,又结合了中国本土的经济实际,因此显得历久弥新,常学常青。

Yuan Qinsheng's management thought is derived from practice, rooted in socialism with Chinese characteristics, absorbing the essence of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and combined with the local economic reality of China, so it appears to be enduring and evergreen.


People-oriented reward and punishment system

在人事任免制度上,袁勤生坚持不开除工人。在他看来,把工人开 除推向社会,叫居委会、村委会去教育管理是单位领导者无能的表现。 工人即便违反了单位内部的规章制度,但在没有触犯刑法的情况下,把 他开除出去,就是把难题推向社会,是对和谐社会极度不负责任的自私表现。这样做不仅不利于社会的发展进步,也会使被开除工人背上抹不掉的心理障碍。

In the personnel appointment and removal system, Yuan Qinsheng insisted on not firing workers. In his opinion, the expulsion of workers to the society, called the neighborhood committee, the village committee to education management is the incompetence of the unit leaders. Even if the worker violates the internal rules and regulations of the unit, firing him without violating the criminal law is to push the problem to the society, which is extremely irresponsible and selfish performance to the harmonious society. This is not only not conducive to the development and progress of the society, but also to the psychological obstacles.

人之初,性本善。袁勤生认为,人没有什么不可弥补的劣性根,在 解决温饱的基础上, 一切的犯罪和落后分子的产生, 一般都是由于家庭、 学校、单位、特别是领导对人对事的处理方法不公、不妥、不对造成的, 简单粗暴的开除会致使犯错的人一而再再而三的失望,说得严重一点,很多犯罪完全是被领导逼出来的。

Man's nature at birth is good. Yuan Qinsheng thinks, people have no irreparable inferiority root, on the basis of food and clothing, all crime and backward molecules, are generally due to family, school, unit, especially the leadership of people to things injustice, inappropriate, wrong, simple and crude expelled will cause mistakes repeatedly disappointment, say a little serious, a lot of crime is completely forced out by leadership.


1980年,江南仪表厂前任领导提出开除的六名职工,在经过工办和 党委批准后,在执行之前,被袁勤生宣布“刀下留人”,后来,江南仪 表厂又从社会上招纳了被外单位开除的以及解除劳教的五名后进人员, 在尊重的基础上,经过改善、培育、激励,这些工人都成了基层骨干和先进工人。其中一人还经过自报,当上了副厂长。实践出真知,事实证明,袁勤生不开除工人的任免制度在实际中具有无与伦比的正确性。

In 1980, jiangnan instrument factory former leadership fired six workers, after GongBan and, after the party committee approval, before execution, by Yuan Qinsheng announced "knife", later, jiangnan instrument factory from the society from the unit and remove the five junior personnel, on the basis of respect, after improvement, cultivation, incentive, these workers became the grassroots backbone and advanced workers. One of them also after the self-report, became the deputy director. True knowledge comes from practice. Facts have proved that Yuan Qinsheng's appointment and removal system without firing workers has incomparable correctness in practice.

除了不开除工人以外,袁勤生还允许工人“七进七出”。在20世纪 80年代中期,全民经商的思潮涌动,企业职工想顺应大流,下海经商, 但却又不能自由跳槽。为了顺应工人心意,袁勤生领导的江南仪表厂干 脆明确公布了一个规定:允许厂内干部职工自由离厂从事他项,离厂后如在外干得不称心,还可回来,给每个职工可七进七出的权利。此规定一经颁布,立刻便有30多名工人在半年内陆续申请离厂,奔 赴商海。有些离厂工人到刚兴旺起来的常熟招商城做生意,抓住了机遇, 涌现了众多千万、亿万富翁,成了先富起来的一批人。有些离厂工人则 发展得不甚如意,最终选择又回到江南仪表厂,袁勤生都恪守承诺,毫 无条件地欢迎他们回来。 一名女工更是对大家讲道:自己全家凑了五万 元钱作本,外出做羊毛衫生意,结果亏得血本无归,看来我不是做生意的料,还是在咱们厂里安心工作为好。在实践中,虽无真正七进七出的工人,但着实有几名三进两出的,袁勤生都一视同仁地多次接纳他们回到厂里。

In addition to not firing workers, Yuan also allowed workers to "seven in and seven out". In the mid-1980s, the national trend of business surged, and enterprise employees wanted to conform to the trend and go into business, but they were unable to change jobs freely. In order to conform with the workers' mind, the jiangnan instrument factory led by Yuan Qinsheng simply clearly announced a regulation: allow the factory cadre workers to leave the factory to engage in other items, after leaving the factory if the outside do not gratified, still can come back, give each worker can seven into seven out of the right. As soon as this regulation was promulgated, more than 30 workers immediately applied to leave the factory and go to the business sea within half a year. Some workers left the factory to the newly prosperous Changshu Merchants city business, seized the opportunity, emerged many tens of millions, billionaires, became a group of people who became rich first. Some workers leaving the factory did not develop very well, and finally chose to return to the Jiangnan Instrument Factory. Yuan Qinsheng kept his promise and welcomed them back without conditions. A female worker is to everyone: his family raised 50 thousand yuan for money, go out to do sweater business, the result of lost money, it seems that I am not a business material, or in our factory work is better. In practice, although there is no real seven in seven out of the workers, but there are really a few three in two out, Yuan Qinsheng are equally accepted them many times back to the factory.

在这一规定的作用下,工人们得到了大量的商业实践机会,拥有了 能在变革中抓住机遇的能力,充分地发挥自己的特长而全无后顾之忧, 真正实现了人生的最大价值。另一方面,经商的工人每创办一个成功企 业就是一份对中国经济腾飞的助力,更是能为人民物质需求的丰富添砖加瓦,从而推动社会进步,这样一项规定对社会发展的影响无疑是巨大的。


People-oriented behavior discipline system

在言论行为制度上,袁勤生实行“言者有功”, “言者无罪”的规 定,其中后者是前者的基础,前者是后者的发展。在袁勤生看来,人民 当家作主就是中国特色社会主义的本质。因此,要让人们敢想敢说,言 者只要不是恶意攻击,而是自己真实思想和看法的表露,那言者不仅无罪, 还应得到相应的奖励。从而进一步广开言路,使领导明确地找到具有一定代表性的不同意见,继而有针对性地做好有效的思想教育工作。

In the system of speech and behavior, Yuan Qinsheng implements the regulation that "the person who speaks is meritorious" and "the person who speaks is innocent", among which the latter is the basis of the former and the former is the development of the latter. In Yuan Qinsheng's view, the essence of socialism with Chinese characteristics is the essence of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Therefore, to make people dare to think and say, as long as the speaker is not a malicious attack, but the expression of their real thoughts and views, the speaker is not only innocent, but also should be rewarded accordingly. So as to further open the way, so that the leadership clearly find a certain representative of different opinions, and then targeted to do effective ideological education work.

言者有功制度明确规定:对员工提出的意见,虽然并不一定全部正确, 但一定具有足够的代表性。这些具有代表性的意见能让领导看到不同人  群、不同角度对同一问题的不同看法,以利于统一思想,统一认识。这一制度还明确规定,言者皆可向第一把手信箱投书,并能在当月获得嘉奖。

The meritorious system of the speaker clearly stipulates that: although the opinions of the employees are not all correct, they must be enough representative. These representative opinions can let the leaders see the different views of different groups and different angles on the same issue, so as to facilitate the unity of thinking and understanding. This system also clearly stipulates that the speaker can submit a letter to the first hand mailbox, and can be awarded in the month.

从八十年代中期到90年代后期的十五年间,全国各地共几十万人来 江南仪表厂参观考察,有时一天能达到七、八批人,这样的情况自然导 致了工人的不满。有一次, 一名工人在厂长信箱里投书说:  “现在厂长 很少深入车间和我们共事研究生产问题,反而是每天领着一大帮人,把我们工人当作动物园里的动物一样来参观。”袁勤生在分析此信后,认为其有正确和错误的两个方面,但绝大多数员工可能都只有错误的认识, 这就提供了做思想工作的线索,后来,江南仪表厂就在职工中就此事进行了讨论,并最终上下一致,统一了思想认识。

In the 15 years from the mid-1980s to the late 1990s, hundreds of thousands of people from all over the country visited the Jiangnan instrument factory, sometimes reaching seven or eight groups of people a day. Such a situation naturally led to the dissatisfaction of the workers. Once, a worker wrote a book in the mailbox of the factory director, " Now the factory director seldom goes into the workshop to work with us to study production problems. Instead, he leads a large group of people to visit our workers as animals in the zoo."After analyzing the letter, Yuan Qinsheng believed that there are two aspects: correct and wrong, but the vast majority of employees may only have wrong understanding, which provides clues to ideological work. Later, Jiangnan Instrument Factory discussed this matter among the employees, and finally consistent, unified the ideological understanding.

“言者有功” “言者无罪”这一行为制度切合实际,在防止思想工 作的假大空上具有重大价值,它能让领导有针对性地做好思想教育工作,从而形成上下一致的合力。

The behavior system of "the speaker is meritorious" and "the speaker is innocent" is practical and has great value in preventing the false of ideological work. It can make the leaders do a good job in ideological education, so as to form the resultant force.

在纪律制度上,袁勤生还推行客观原因造成的违规违纪一律豁免这 一规定。他认为,职工非主观因素发生的违规违纪行为,不管产生何种 后果,造成了多少损失,都应当一律予以豁免,而不应当受任何处分, 对待工人,应予以家人一样的关怀。管理对人的追责主要应当是对人为因素造成的各种事故,自然事故等均应另当别论。

In the discipline system, Yuan Qinsheng also introduced the exemption of violations of discipline caused by objective reasons. He thinks, the worker is not subjective factor produces the violation of discipline behavior, no matter what kind of consequence, caused how much loss, should be exempted, and should not suffer any punishment, treat the worker, should give family same care. The accountability of human management should be all kinds of accidents caused by human factors, and natural accidents should be another matter.

在实际的实行过程中,袁勤生对此规定再次做出了改进。起因是一名工人上班迟到了十分钟,他对车间  主任说: “我骑车上班的路上,自行  车链条断了,修理耽误了时间,因此  迟到了,这算不算客观原因造成的?” 车间主任吃不准,就请示相关领导,  领导看后也很为难,不知该如何判定。  这件事后相隔不久,又有一名女工迟  到,说是自己的自行车挡泥板卷裂,  因此来晚了。面对如此情况,是取消  这一管理制度,还是改进这一管理制  度,各级领导都犯了难。最终在袁勤  生的指示下,厂部决定,每月底都在江南仪表厂门口设立一个醒目的透视镜,用来公布每月因客观原因造成违纪予的豁免人员名单与原因,让全 体职工都当审监,彻底透明公开,只要无人疑义,次月即予通过。通过 这种方法,客观原因造成违规违纪一律豁免的制度变得更加公平、公正、公开,同时也通过诸多小事让工人完成了自己对自己的教育。

In the actual implementation process, Yuan Qinsheng made improvements to this regulation again. The reason was that a worker was 10 minutes late for work. He told the workshop director, " On the way to work, the bike chain was broken and the repair was delayed, so I was late. Is this an objective reason?"Workshop director is not sure, ask for instructions on the relevant leadership, the leadership is also very difficult, I do not know how to judge. Soon after the incident, another woman was late, saying that her bicycle fender was cracked, so she came late. In the face of such a situation, whether to cancel this management system, or to improve this management system, the leaders at all levels have made it difficult. Finally, under the instructions of Yuan Qinsheng, the factory department decided to set up an eye-catching perspective mirror at the gate of the Jiangnan instrument factory at the end of each month, used to publish the monthly list and reasons for the exemption of the disciplinary violations, so that all the staff are when the examination and supervision, thoroughly transparent and open, as long as no doubt, the next month will be passed. In this way, the system of exemption for violations of rules and regulations for objective reasons has become more fair, just and open, and at the same time, workers can complete their own education through many small things.

在改进了客观原因造成违规违纪一律豁免制度后,有一次, 一名职 工因上班路上不慎摔了一跤,腿上划破了皮,有隐隐出血迹象,就去医 院包扎了下,因此迟到了。月底在透视镜公布后,有人提出不同意见: 不是提倡轻伤不下火线吗?为此,厂长在职工大会上明确表示:我们是在安定团结的环境下搞生产,并不要求大家轻伤不下火线。这样的行为纪律真正做到了客观原因客观看待,对员工予以家人一样的关怀。

After improving the objective reasons caused by the exemption system for violations of rules and discipline, once, a worker accidentally fell on the way to work, leg cut skin, there are faint signs of bleeding, went to the hospital to bandage, so late. After the announcement of the perspective mirror at the end of October, someone put forward different opinions: is not to advocate minor injuries not in the line of fire? To this end, the factory director in the workers assembly clearly said: we are in a stable and united environment for production, do not require everyone not under the line of fire. Such behavior discipline really achieves the objective reason objective view, to the staff to the family care.

除了“言者有功”,“言者无罪”,“客观原因造成违规违纪一律豁免” 之外,袁勤生还实行了一条看起来让人忍俊不禁的纪律制度——允许工   人开会打瞌睡。这条制度虽然看上去十分活泼,但深究起来却有其严肃的思想逻辑。

In addition to "meritorious", "innocent" and "exemption of violations", Yuan Qinsheng also implemented a seemingly discipline system —— allows workers to doze off at meetings. Although this system looks very lively, it has its own serious ideological logic.

在袁勤生看来,定期召开职工(代表)大会是体现职工当家作主的 一种形式,是领导向全体员工直面公众汇报工作,指出下期目标任务, 明确措施要求,总结前期成绩和不足之处的会议。因此在召开这样的会 议时,应该有个纪律和自由要求的统一,即:在厂里召开职工大会的会 议期间,任何员工或下级干部,认为领导讲话假大空,文章官样不切实 际,自己又感觉疲惫的,可以放心打瞌睡,甚至打呼噜都无妨,任何领 导和其他人都不得将其呼喊叫醒,也不得对其进行批评,开会可以打瞌 睡,这是全厂员工都拥有的一个自由,也是该有的一个权力。但同样的, 在会议期间,任何人都不得与旁人做无关会议内容的谈话,这既是每个员工应该遵守的纪律,也是每个员工的义务所在。这样的规定,才真正做到了自由和纪律统一,权力和义务一致。

In Yuan Qinsheng's opinion, the regular convening of the staff (representative) meetings is a form of reflecting the leadership of the workers. It is a meeting of the leaders reporting to the public, pointing out the goals and tasks of the next period, clear measures and requirements, and summarizing the achievements and shortcomings of the early stage. So in such a meeting, there should be a unity of discipline and freedom, namely: in the factory worker meeting, discussion, any staff or cadres, at a lower level think leadership speech empty, unrealistic, article, and feel tired, can sleep, even snoring, any collar, guide and others shall not shout to wake up, also shall not to its criticism, the meeting can doze off, this is the factory employees have a freedom, also should have a power. But similarly, during a meeting, no one is allowed to talk with others, which is both the discipline of every employee and the obligation of every employee. Such regulations can truly achieve the unity of freedom and discipline, and the unity of rights and obligations.



People-oriented psychological construction

在心理建设方面,袁勤生独树一帜地提倡“假积极”。所谓“假积极”, 就是一个以往不积极的人做了点滴好事,就会被冠以“假积极”的名号,从而受到打击,这无疑是社会流行的一种公害。

In the aspect of psychological construction, Yuan Qinsheng unique advocated "false positive". The so-called "false positive" means that a person who was not active in the past doing a little good deed will be called "false positive" and thus hit, which is undoubtedly a public hazard to the social epidemic.

在一次职工大会上,袁勤生一连串表扬了十多名职工在治理脏乱差 环境中的积极表现,这些职工中,有开除留用和两劳释放人员,也有曾 与领导吵架结怨的职工。会议刚结束,坐在主席台主持会议的党总支副 书记就迫不及待地对袁勤生说:  “你今天会上表扬的这些人, 一个都不是好东西,他们都是假积极。”

In a staff meeting, Yuan Qinsheng a series of praise more than 10 workers in the governance of dirty mess environment positive performance, these workers, there are dismissed and two labor release personnel, also have quarreled with the leadership of the staff. Just after the meeting ended, the deputy secretary of the party general branch, who was sitting on the rostrum presiding over the meeting, couldn't wait to say to Yuan Qinsheng, " None of the people you praised at the meeting today are good things, they are all false positive.”

袁勤生略作思考后回答:  “你的看法可能是准确的,但你的思想方 法绝对是错误的。”他接着解释:“他们这次做好事的初衷想法可能有假,但他们做了好事绝对是真的,我们当领导的不是神仙,只能直观他们的行为效果,无法洞察他们的心理想法,后进转化先进,总有一个拐点, 在这个关键节点上,领导能够给予正面肯定,无疑对后进者是一种希望, 也能为他们创造明天的希望,就算这次他们是假积极,也会让他们感知领导是没有成见的,不会造成他们的绝望而破罐子破摔。”

After a little thought, Yuan replied: " Your opinion may be accurate, but your thinking method is absolutely wrong."He then explained:" they do good original idea may be false, but they did good is absolutely true, we when the leadership is not the fairy, only intuitive their behavior effect, unable to insight into their psychological ideas, junior into advanced, there is always a turning point, on this key node, leadership can give positive affirmation, no doubt to the latter is a kind of hope, also can create hope for them, even if this time they are false positive, also can let their perception leadership is no prejudice, will not cause their despair and broken.”

以这件事为契机,袁勤生开始号召人人假积极,充分激发后进者的 积极性,从此鼓励人人假积极的活动就不定期的开展了。袁勤生规定, 任何人在家庭中、单位里、社会上只要有自认为好的表现,不问动机不 看历史,都应得到鼓励。久而久之,那些被开除留用、劳改释放和被众 人认定落后的人员均有了不同程度的进步,再没有出现破罐子破摔,自暴自弃的现象。

Taking this matter as an opportunity, Yuan Qinsheng began to call on everyone to leave the active, fully stimulate the enthusiasm of the underachievers, from then on to encourage everyone to fake the active activities are carried out from time to time. Yuan Qinsheng stipulated that anyone who in his family, work unit or society has a good performance and history should be encouraged. As time passes, those who were expelled, released through labor and considered backward by the public have made different degrees of progress, there is no more broken pot broken, self-abandonment phenomenon.

同时袁勤生还强调:只要做的是好事,是有益于公众和社会的事, 即使有假,即使旁人认为是作秀的,也应宽容和鼓励。当人处在转化的 拐点上时,领导和群众都应对其正确看待,不能把自己当做能洞察过去 犯过错误的人员心理的专家。我们只能直观其言行,鼓励其进步,即使 是点滴的好事,也要激励其持久,即使是假的,也要让他继续假下去, 假作真时假亦真。这样的制度能有效减少以往犯错人员“二进宫,三进 宫”的可能,让他们感觉到社会的美好,让他们对自己的明天充满希望,从而为和谐社会添砖加瓦,奠定基础。

At the same time, Yuan also stressed that as long as what is good, is beneficial to the public and society, even if there is false, even if others think it is a show, should be tolerant and encouraged. When people are at the inflection point of transformation, both the leaders and the masses should treat them correctly, and they should not regard themselves as experts who can have an insight into the psychology of people who have made mistakes in the past. We can only see their words and deeds, encourage their progress, even if it is a little good, but also to encourage them to last, even if it is false, but also let him continue to fake, fake is true. Such a system can effectively reduce the possibility of "two times to the palace" in the past, let them feel the beauty of the society, make them full of hope for their own tomorrow, so as to contribute to a harmonious society and lay a foundation.

除了提倡“假积极”外,袁勤生还借鉴清代顾嗣协的“骏马能历险,  犁田不如牛;坚车能载重,渡河不如舟”的名言,提倡工人“爱一行干一行”。 长期以来,对不热爱本职工作的工人,领导总是教育他们要“干一行爱  一行”,让人去适应岗位,而袁勤生则相反,他提倡“爱一行干一行”,  让岗位去适应员工,让每个人都能干其所爱,充分发挥自己的才华和主观能动性,对工人身心和生产效率都有极大的裨益。在实际推行中,袁勤生首先对全厂员工开展了一次开放全部岗位的心爱工作调查摸底活动,以此作为人事劳动部门的备案登记。在调查中, 大家都畅所欲言。 一名电工出身的劳动模范,多年前担任了保卫科长, 在备案登记中诉说了自己当保卫科长并不称职等心里话,并提出在需要 时仍然让他当电工。 一名装配女工说自己在岗位上没劲,每天都在应付 八小时完成任务,如有可能的话,希望调换工种到后勤服务部门,去厂 工会办的理发室去当洗头工。除此以外还有很多职工在登记中都明确地 表示了最喜欢什么工作,最热爱哪个岗位以及自己的特长在哪个岗位上 最能得到发挥。调查完成后,袁勤生根据实际需要,先后把30多名员工的工种岗位作了调整,充分做到人尽其才,各为所爱。

In addition to advocating "false positive", Yuan Qinsheng also borrowed from the Qing Dynasty Gu Si xie "horse can adventure, plow is not as good as the cow; strong car can load, cross the river is not as good as the boat", advocate workers "love a line to do a line". For a long time, to not love the job of workers, leadership always education they want to "do a line love a line", let a person to adapt to jobs, and Yuan Qinsheng, on the contrary, he advocated "love a line do a line", let jobs to adapt to the staff, let everyone do his love, give full play to their talent and subjective initiative, the workers' body and mind and production efficiency has great benefits. In the actual implementation, Yuan Qinsheng first carried out a beloved work investigation of all the employees in the factory, as the registration of the personnel and labor department. In the survey, everyone spoke freely. A model worker, many years ago as the security section chief, in the record registration told himself when the security section chief is not competent in the heart, and proposed to still let him when an electrician when needed. An assembly worker said she was boring in the post, every day in eight hours to complete the task, if possible, hope to change the work to the logistics service department, to the factory union to do the barber shop to be a shampoo. In addition, there are many employees in the registration are clearly expressed what job, the most love which position and their strengths in which position can be most play. After the investigation was completed, Yuan Qinsheng successively adjusted the positions of more than 30 employees according to the actual needs, so as to make the best use of their talents and love each other.

为了进一步提升工人综合素质,加强心理建设,袁勤生提出了 “爱什么学什么”的培养制度,把企业办成培育一代新人的学校,他提 倡工人自觉占领自己的业余阵地,采取鼓励自学,支持函授的政策,并 规定全厂员工凡是购买社会科学、自然科学等知识类书籍的均可凭票报 销50%,参加各类各科培训的函授学费全部报销,因为学习原因而误工的不扣工资。不是干什么学什么,而是要爱什么学什么。

In order to further enhance the workers' comprehensive quality, strengthen the construction of psychological, Yuan Qinsheng proposed "love what learn what" training system, make the enterprise foster new generation of school, he said, advocate workers consciously occupy their amateur positions, to encourage self-study, support correspondence policy, and all factory employees who buy social science, natural science knowledge books can be 50%, all kinds of all subjects training correspondence tuition reimbursement, because learning reasons and not buckle wages. Not to do what to learn what, but to want to love what to learn what.

在袁勤生的倡导和鼓励下,江南仪表厂70%以上的青年职工都参加 了各种函授学习。有一年更是有十九名职工都报考了两年制的文秘专业 函授,在报销费用时,会计忍不住提出异议,我们厂今后要多少文秘人员?  厂领导也疑惑,学了这个专业,厂里也不需要这么多人当文秘啊?但只 有袁勤生明白,这些人通过学习,即便在原始岗位上,对党的方针政策、法律法规和厂规厂纪的理解能力也必然会大大提高。

Under Yuan Qinsheng's advocacy and encouragement, more than 70% of the young workers of Jiangnan Instrument Factory have participated in all kinds of correspondence studies. Have a year more is to have 19 workers to enter oneself for an examination the secretary profession of two years system correspondence, when submit an expense account cost, accountant cannot help but put forward objection, how many secretary personnel does our factory want in the future? Factory leaders also doubt, learned this major, the factory also does not need so many people to be a secretary ah? But only Yuan Qinsheng understood that these people through learning, even in the original post, the party's policies, laws and regulations and factory rules and regulations will inevitably be greatly improved.

在此基础上,袁勤生还推行“报纸私定公助”的规定,以完善工人 心理建设制度。在袁勤生的指导下,江南仪表厂取消了全部的公费订报, 转而实行报纸私订公助的制度:全厂干部职工一视同仁,凡订阅各级党报党刊的,报销70%,订阅一般报纸杂志的报销50%。在实际调查后发现,全厂320多名职工,每年订报500多份,其中党报党刊占60%多。 此外袁勤生还规定,全厂全员,包括书记厂长,上班时间一律不准看报。 干部上班看报,视为违反工作纪律,职工上班看报,视为违反劳动纪律, 干部职工一视同仁,报纸都一律要带回家用业余时间阅看。 一位小学未 毕业的老职工曾分享自己的心得说:我家祖辈从不订报,我花三成钱订 了份常熟日报,原来每天下班后与朋友搓麻将,现在蹲在家里,似懂非 懂的看报,标题都要看完,感兴趣的看全部。他还说:厂里报销了大半, 旧报纸一张都不丢掉,平时家里用来包包什么的,到年终旧报纸卖掉我 也花不了多少钱。据调查,职工对私订公助的报纸,带回家后一般都会花些时间选题阅读,有的家庭还会带领父母子女都看上一会。

On this basis, Yuan Qinsheng also carried out the regulation of "newspaper private public assistance", in order to improve the workers' psychological construction system. Under the guidance of Yuan Qinsheng, Jiangnan instrument factory cancelled all public newspaper subscription, and turned the implementation of newspaper private subscription public assistance system: the cadres and workers of the factory are treated equally, who subscribe to all levels of party newspapers, 70% reimbursement, and the general newspapers and magazines reimbursed 50%. After the actual investigation, it was found that the whole factory has more than 320 employees, and orders more than 500 copies every year, among which the party newspapers and periodicals account for more than 60%. In addition, Yuan Qinsheng also stipulated that all the factory staff, including the secretary and the factory director, are not allowed to read the newspaper during working hours. Cadre goes to work to read a newspaper, regard as violating work discipline, the worker goes to work to read a newspaper, regard as violating labor discipline, cadre worker treats equally, newspaper should take home with spare time to read. An old worker that did not graduate from primary school once shared his experience said: my grandparents never ordered a newspaper, I spend 30% money to book, a changshu daily, originally every day after work with friends, now squatting at home, seem to understand the newspaper, the title have to read, interested in seeing all. He also said: the factory reimbursed half, an old newspaper is not thrown away, usually used in the home bags what, to the end of the old newspaper sold I can not spend much money. According to the survey, the staff to the private newspaper, after taking home will generally spend some time to read topics, some families will lead their parents and children to read for a while.


Such regulations not only allow employees to learn the party's principles and policies, do a political direction of understanding, in order to better implement the party's principles and policies. On the other hand, it is a positive guidance, let the employees consciously occupy their own amateur positions. Even if it will come to the society, it will certainly be able to make a greater contribution.


事实也确实如袁勤生所料,江南仪表厂里的300多名员工到今天为 止,已经有9名成为上亿资产的企业家,30多名成为市场主体业主和企 业核心管理人员,3人担任了优秀村支书、副处级、副市级领导人,成 为社会中的中流砥柱和积极力量的代表。值得一提的是,当年的优秀青 工还建立了“忆江南,有缘再相聚”微信群,凝聚了当年的100多位工 人参与,十多年来坚持交流先进理念和正能量信息,工厂虽因改制已停办22年,但当年在袁勤生领导下的员工们进步却从未停止。

Facts do as Yuan Qinsheng, jiangnan instrument factory of more than 300 employees until today, there are nine become hundreds of millions of assets of entrepreneurs, more than 30 become market main body owners and enterprise core managers, three people as a good village, place level, deputy municipal leaders, become a mainstay of society and the representative of the positive forces. It is worth mentioning that the outstanding young workers in that year also established the wechat group of "remembering the Yangtze River, get together again", which gathered more than 100 workers to participate in the year, adhering to the exchange of advanced ideas and positive energy information. Although the factory has been suspended for 22 years due to the restructuring, the employees under the leadership of Yuan Qinsheng never stopped their progress.


People-oriented management method

在管理中,袁勤生要求,产生先进,提升干部等过程中,第一程序 必须自报。在各级、各种先进劳模的产生过程中,领导的任务就是事先 制定先进劳模的达标条件,然后予以公布,并在一定时间内让全员对照,  凡是自认为达标的,就可以自报。然后再专门组织非制定目标人员参与  审核其自报的达标情况。自报是产生一切先进者的第一程序,不得违反。  各级干部任职的第一程序也必须自报,在自报的基础上,由组织考察任命。 自报者必须先对拟任之职充分了解,提出就任后的首年目标任务和工作  措施,并提倡新官上任“三把火”。原任职干部在任期内必须每年向组 织提出续职申请,续职申请的内容主要是总结当年的工作不足和存在的问题,并提出下一年工作的计划目标。

In the management, Yuan Qinsheng requires that in the process of producing advanced and promoting cadres, the first process must be self-reported. In the production process of all kinds of advanced model workers, the task of the leadership is to formulate the standard conditions of advanced model workers in advance, and then announce them, and let all the staff control within a certain period of time, those who think the standard can report. Then specially organize the non-target personnel to participate in the review of their self-reported standards. Self-report is the first procedure for producing all advanced persons, and shall not be violated. The first procedure for cadres at all levels must also be self-reporting, and on the basis of self-reporting, be organized by investigation and appointment. Self-applicants must first fully understand the proposed position, put forward the goals, tasks and work measures for the first year after taking office, and advocate the "three fires" of new officials. During the term of office, the former cadres must apply to the organization every year. The content of the application is mainly to summarize the deficiencies and existing problems in the current year, and put forward the plan target for the next year's work.

有人问,当干部、当先进、调岗位、做工人值班长, 一切都事先自 报,有什么根据?袁勤生解释道:这是建立在尊重人基础上的民主制度,组织审核则体现了集中原则,也可以说,这是跟共产党走,申请入党必须是自觉申请,违背这一原则的都有不纯之疑。

Someone asks, when cadre, when advanced, transfer post, do workers on duty, everything is reported in advance, what basis? Yuan Qinsheng explained: this is a democratic system built on the basis of respect for people, the organization of the audit reflects the principle of concentration, it can also be said that this is to follow the Communist Party, the application for party membership must be consciously apply, violate this principle is impure doubt.

此外,袁勤生还在厂里设立工人值班长制度,规定凡是对厂部领导 和各科室管理人员工作缺乏认识和不够了解的,也就是对科室干部有意 见的生产第一线工人,经自报后,每年会产生50名工人值班长,负责每 人每周脱产在科室总部值班,并设置一张标明“工人值班长”的桌子。 工人值班长工作内容一是管理登记当天厂领导和科室干部的出勤和离岗 情况,二是对当天发生的各种大小事故和管理差错事项立案登记,初查 原因后交予相关职能部门处理。这样既保证了工人拥有参与管理的权力, 也可以减轻科室干部工作上的责任压力,同时帮助一线工人更好地了解管理人员的工作,从而发现工人中具有管理意识和处理事务能力的人才。

In addition, Yuan Qinsheng also set up workers in the factory leader system, regulations on the factory leadership and each department management work lack of understanding and insufficient understanding, which is the department cadres of the first line workers, after the report, will produce 50 workers leader, responsible for each weekly off-work in the department headquarters on duty, and set up a marked "workers leader" table. The work content of the workers on duty is the attendance and departure of the factory leaders and department cadres on the day of the management registration, and the second is the registration of various accidents and management errors occurred on the day, and submit the reasons to the relevant functional departments for handling after the initial investigation. In this way, the workers have the right to participate in the management, but also reduce the responsibility pressure of the cadres of the department. At the same time, help the front-line workers to better understand the work of the managers, so as to find the workers with management awareness and the ability to deal with affairs.

在江南仪表厂这样宽容活泼的环境里,却有一条让外人感觉严得出 奇的厂规,也因为这条厂规,有人甚至认为这是监狱式的管理,它就是 旷工必报。然而让人意想不到的是,这样看起来无比严厉的厂规,却是 最为工人考虑的厂规,也是最能体现袁勤生以人为本思想的厂规,它保护的不是别的东西,正是工人的安全。

In such a tolerant and lively environment of Jiangnan instrument factory, there is a factory regulation that makes outsiders feel surprisingly strict. Because of this factory regulation, some people even think that this is prison management, and it is absenteeism. However, what is unexpected is that such seemingly extremely strict factory rules are the most considered by workers, and also the most can reflect Yuan Qinsheng's people-oriented thought, which protect nothing other but the safety of workers.

袁勤生规定:各部门、车间每天都必须要对上班半小时未到岗的职 工进行统计,然后由所属部门上报,接报后,厂工会、厂团委要各自立即抽调一名人员共同前往该职工家庭住处家访。

Yuan Qinsheng provisions: each department, workshop must every day to work half an hour to the post of the workers statistics, and then reported by the department, after receiving the report, the factory labor union, the factory youth League committee to each immediately assign a personnel to the worker family residence home visit.

有一次,车间主任上报一名黄姓女工旷工,工会和团委两名家访人 员立刻出发,骑车两公里赶往女工住处, 一到家门口,就看到黄姓女工 的父亲高举扁担在追赶抱头逃窜的女工,两名调查人员制止后,了解到 原因是父母反对女儿的婚事,就对她进行责问拷打,了解原委后,两名 家访人员对双方做了思想工作,教育女工婚姻大事应事先告知父母,同时也教育女工父母应尊重女儿的选择。旷工必报,这样的厂规是在充分考虑旷工一定是工人自身碰到无法解脱的急事这一情况,本着救援的原则前往调查帮助,有这条厂规的支持, 工人生病在床也不必惧怕,因为厂里马上会派人来及时将其送往医院,从而保证了工人的生命安全,是真正把工人当主人的家人情怀。

At one time, the director of the workshop report a huang worker absenteeism, trade unions and youth league two family visits immediately, cycling two kilometers to women residence, one to home, see huang women, the father holding pole after head fleeing women, two investigators to stop, learned that the reason is that parents against the daughter's marriage, to her asked torture, understand the original, two family visits to do ideological work, education women marriage should inform parents in advance, but also education women parents should respect her daughter's choice. Absentee will report, this factory is in full consideration absenteeism must be workers themselves encounter cannot relief urgent matter this situation, based on the principle of rescue to help, have the support of the factory rules, workers sick in bed is not afraid, because the factory will immediately be sent to the hospital in time, so as to ensure the safety of the workers' life, is the real workers when master family feelings.

为有利于提高员工的整体素质,让每个员工不仅在企业里,而且在 家庭中、社会上都能成为一个讲道德、有素养的文明人,袁勤生还提出“明 确规定,发现考核”的制度。在制订厂规守则时都做出明确规定,但在  具体检查落实上,采取发现才考核的办法。比如不过量饮酒,规定要明 确不分在家庭、社会等各种场合,饮酒发生醉酒失态的言行都是违规,  对于能饮多少量,则只定性不定量。比如不参与赌博,则明确不分场合、  对象,只要有一元钱输赢的都属赌博。比如不恶语伤人,则明确任何人 与人之间发生纠纷只能就事论事,不得刺揭对方的历史阵痛,即使所言  事实,也属恶语伤人。诸如此类,都有的明确规定和解释,但不会定期  去查询考核,而是实行发现后才考核的办法,其目的是让每个员工去自  己改变自己、自己约束自己、自己管理自己,成为自己的第一责任人,  企业则定期对在家庭中、社会上执行厂规守则的员工予以激励,以奖代罚, 只奖不罚的办法,真正做到对员工文明进步和整体素质提高的渐移然化,循序渐进。

In order to improve the overall quality of employees, so that every employee can become a moral and literate civilized person not only in the enterprise, but also in the family and society, Yuan Qinsheng also put forward the system of "clear provisions, discovery and assessment". In the formulation of factory rules and regulations have made clear provisions, but in the specific inspection implementation, take the method of discovery assessment. For example, not excessive drinking, the provisions should be clear in the family, society and other occasions, drinking drunk words and deeds are illegal, to drink a small amount, is only qualitative not quantitative. For example, do not participate in gambling, it is clear regardless of the occasion, the object, as long as there is a yuan to win or lose are gambling. For example, not harsh words hurt, it is clear that any dispute between people can only be on the matter, can not reveal the historical pain of the other side, even if the facts, but also harsh words hurt. Such, have clear rules and explanation, but not regularly to query assessment, but found after the inspection method, the purpose is to let each employee to change themselves, their constraints, their management, become their first responsibility, the enterprise regularly in the family, social execution rules of employees incentives, reward with punishment, only reward without punishment, truly to employee civilization progress and overall quality improvement gradually move, step by step.

在管理过程中,为了保障工人的生活质量,袁勤生从不随意安排工 人加班,而且坚决禁止延误发放工资。他认为,企业运作过程中,资金 困难是常事,但按月按日给职工发工资就如同向国家缴税一样,必须严 肃认真对待。虽然现在社会上是市场经济,但在每个家庭里,都还是计 划经济的状态,每月的开销花费都有计划,有安排,不按时发工资,打 乱了工人个人收支的有计划安排,会大大影响职工情绪,严重挫伤其积极性。

In the management process, in order to ensure the quality of life of workers, Yuan never arranged workers to work overtime, and resolutely banned the delayed payment of wages. He thinks, in the process of enterprise operation, capital difficulty is common, but the daily salary to the worker is like to pay taxes to the country, must be taken seriously. Although the society is a market economy now, but in every family, is still the state of planned economy, the monthly expenditure has a plan, have an arrangement, do not pay wages on time, disrupted the planned arrangement of workers' personal income and expenditure, will greatly affect the mood of workers, seriously frustrate their enthusiasm.

在20世纪80年代,江南仪表厂有一次因财务科工作贻误,有40多职工工资未能及时发放,袁勤生就下令财务科五人连夜到未发放工资的 工人家里,挨家挨个地发放, 一直到深夜12点才发清。从此以后的25 年里,江南仪表厂每月固定日期发清工资(遇假日延后)的规定再未有误。 除了定时发放工资,袁勤生还规定江南仪表厂每周星期日休息,从不随 意加班,几十年来雷打不动。有人会说:生产紧张加班是常事,加了班 会给他调休,他也不吃亏。但在袁勤生看来,这种说辞都是没有换位思 考的自找理由,有固定的休息日,职工的业余生活会安排得丰富多彩的,如果被加班全盘打乱,职工心里的滋味是他人想象不到的。

In the 1980s, Jiangnan instrument factory once due to the finance department work delay, more than 40 workers failed to timely pay, Yuan Qinsheng ordered the finance department five people overnight to the unpaid workers home, door to house, until 12 o'clock in the night. From then on for 25 years, jiangnan instrument factory monthly fixed date to pay clear wages (in case of holiday delay) of the regulation is not wrong. In addition to the regular payment of wages, Yuan Qinsheng also stipulated that the Jiangnan instrument factory will rest on Sundays every week, never work overtime at will, for decades of thunder and immovable. Some people will say: production tension overtime is common, added class meeting to him, he does not suffer. But in Yuan Qinsheng's opinion, this kind of speech is no reason for empathy, there is a fixed rest day, the staff's leisure life will be arranged rich and colorful, if the overtime is completely disrupted, the taste of the staff's heart is not imagined by others.

为工人着想,为工人谋利,这就是袁勤生管理思想的真实写照。统 而观之,袁勤生管理思想充分吸收了中国特色社会主义理论的核心营养,并将其落地实施,在实践的沃土中结出了沉甸甸的果实。

For the sake of workers, for workers, this is the true portrayal of Yuan Qinsheng's management thought. In view, Yuan Qinsheng's management thought fully absorbed the core nutrition of the theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and put it into practice, bearing heavy fruits in the fertile soil of practice.

中国特色社会主义理论认为:市场经济只能是运动的,而不能是静 止的。在袁勤生管理思想的指导下,工人们不仅提升了生产效率,还有 充足的时间完成自己的消费需求,从而拉动了市场经济生产——消费——再生产的循环,对整个社会的经济发展都有着卓越的贡献。

The theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics holds that the market economy can only be moving, but not static. Under the guidance of Yuan Qinsheng's management thought, the workers not only improve the production efficiency, but also have enough time to complete their own consumption demand, thus driving the cycle of market economy production —— consumption —— reproduction, and making outstanding contributions to the economic development of the whole society.

这一切归根结底,还是袁勤生管理思想满足了工人对美好生活的需 要,解决了分配不平衡、不平均的矛盾,他促进了人性的解放,还推动了社会的进步。可以说,袁勤生管理思想的方向正是历史前进的方向。

All these in the final analysis, yuan Qinsheng's management thought met the needs of workers for a better life, solved the contradiction of unbalanced and uneven distribution, he promoted the liberation of human nature, but also promoted the progress of society. It can be said that the direction of Yuan Qinsheng's management thought is exactly the direction of history.



The Yangtze River is an endless search


History is the history of man, and man is the man of history


Human nature liberation and social progress are the objective laws of history

人类历史就是一部关于人性解放和社会进步的历史。从废除奴隶制 到辛亥革命,从百家争鸣到文艺复兴,从反殖民浪潮到“五四运动”,  历史的进程无不是朝着社会进步的方向。从伏尔泰到孟德斯鸠,从卢梭 到康德,从孔孟到老庄,从“人之初,性本善”到“人事万物的尺度”,  从“天赋人权”到“人人生而平等”,古今中外最杰出思想家们的思想主题, 无不是关乎人性的解放。历史总是朝着人性解放和社会进步的方向前进,  即便在这个过程中有波折回还,但总体趋势永远是螺旋上升的,这就是它的客观规律。

Human history is a history of human liberation and social progress. From the abolition of slavery to the Revolution of 1911, from the contention of a hundred schools of thought to the Renaissance, from the anti-colonial wave to the May 4th Movement, the process of history is all in the direction of social progress. From Voltaire to Montesquieu, from Rousseau to Kant, from Confucius and Mencius to Laozhuang, from "at the beginning, nature is good" to "the scale of all things", from "natural human rights" to "everyone is born equal", the thoughts of the most outstanding thinkers at ancient times and at home and abroad are all related to the liberation of human nature. History is always moving in the direction of human liberation and social progress. Even if there are twists and turns in this process, the overall trend is always spiraling, which is its objective law.

客观规律不以人的意志为转移,这是中国特色社会主义理论体系的 基本哲学观点。就社会历史来看,人民对美好生活的向往就是驱动社会 前进的动力,而袁勤生管理思想就是符合这一点,因此才获得了巨大的成功。

Objective laws do not depend on people's will, which is the basic philosophical view of the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics. From the perspective of social history, people's yearning for a better life is the driving force of the society, and Yuan Qinsheng's management thought is in line with this point, so it has achieved great success.

在袁勤生管理思想中,工人被放到了主人公的地位,作为社会的主 要组成,作为企业的关键部分,工人们的思想决定了社会的进步,决定了企业的兴衰。不从客观规律出发,满足工人对美好生活的向往,而只想着用个人的意志,颁布不合理的制度来驱使,这样的领导方式是决计 不可能成功的。而袁勤生管理思想完美地解决了这一弊病,他是完全从 工人的角度出发的,处处想着工人的,千方百计地为满足工人对美好生 活向往而努力的管理思想,因此,在袁勤生领导的下的工人们才能爆发出无与伦比的磅礴生命力,获得前所未有的成功。

In Yuan Qinsheng's management thought, workers are placed in the position of the hero, as the main component of the society, as a key part of the enterprise, the thought of workers' thought determines the progress of the society, determines the rise and fall of the enterprise. Instead of starting from the objective laws to meet the workers' yearning for a better life, but only want to use personal will, promulgate unreasonable systems to drive, such a way of leadership is determined to succeed. And Yuan Qinsheng management thought perfectly solved the ills, he is completely from the perspective of workers, everywhere thinking of workers, one thousand ways to meet the workers for a better life yearning and management thought, therefore, under the leadership of Yuan Qinsheng workers can break out unparalleled majestic vitality, achieve unprecedented success.

这世上没有静止的事物。社会总是要进步的,因此,想要在不断进 步的社会中站稳脚跟,成为中流砥柱,就必须主动前行,而不能被它推 着走,甚至落到它后面。在袁勤生管理思想里,推动工人文化素养全方 位的进步是其中重要的一环,在袁勤生管理思想管理下的工人,都能毫 无后顾之忧的学习进步,甚至受到鼓励嘉奖,这样的措施在不间断的推 动着工人前行,当工人们从企业走向社会,他们进步的属性也将为社会创造更大的财富。

There is no static in this world. The society always has to make progress, therefore, if you want to stand firm in the progressive society and become a mainstay, you must take the initiative to move forward, rather than be pushed by it, or even fall behind it. In Yuan Qinsheng management thought, promote workers' cultural literacy is one of the important progress, the workers under Yuan Qinsheng management thought management, can no, no trouble back at home of learning progress, even encouraged reward, such measures in uninterrupted push workers, when workers from the enterprise to the society, their progressive properties will also create greater wealth for the society.

新事物必将战胜旧事物,这是中国特色社会主义理论体系唯物史观 的铁律。在中国特色社会主义理论体系中,事物的新旧并不是时间上的 新旧,也不是力量上的强弱,而是哪个更符合历史的客观规律。袁勤生 管理思想虽已诞生许久,饱经实践的检验,但他却能次次成功,传播广远, 究其原因就是因为它的根本目的是促进人性解放,推动社会进步,是完全符合历史的客观规律的。

The new will conquer the old, which is the iron law of historical materialism of the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics. In the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the old and new things are not the old and new in time, nor the strength of strength, but which is more in line with the objective laws of history. Although Yuan Qinsheng's management thought has been born for a long time and has been tested by practice, he has succeeded repeatedly and spread widely. The reason is that its fundamental purpose is to promote the liberation of human nature and promote social progress, which is completely in line with the objective law of history.



Yuan Qinsheng's management ideas are widely spread

把工人当主人是袁勤生管理思想对人性解放的真实体现。正如袁养 和于《瞭望》发表的文章所说,袁勤生开明管理的“核心就是让工人树 立主人翁意识”。他不仅要调动人的积极性,完成一时一事的生产任务,其终极目标是提高人的素质修养和促进人的全面发展。这要求管理者抛弃人有劣根性的旧观念,发扬中国特 色社会主义的优秀理念。他在不同场 合多次强调:  “在管理中要以尊重人 为核心,激励人为主导,为所有人—— 先进的,中间的,掉队落伍的;先富者, 温饱者,贫困者——创造明天的希望,  任何人只要看到明天有希望,其言行都是积极的。”

Taking the workers as the master is the true embodiment of Yuan Qinsheng's management thought to the liberation of human nature. As Yuan Yang and Yu Outlook put it in their article, "the core of Yuan's enlightened management is to let workers have a sense of ownership."He should not only mobilize people's enthusiasm, complete the production task of a moment, its ultimate goal is to improve people's quality and promote people's all-round development. This requires managers to abandon the old concept that people have bad habits and carry forward the excellent concept of socialism with Chinese characteristics. He repeatedly stressed on different occasions: " in the management to respect for the core, encourage people leading, for all people —— advanced, middle, left behind; the first rich, subsistence, the poor —— to create hope for tomorrow, anyone as long as they see tomorrow has hope, its words and deeds are positive.”

自1983年起至1997年的十五年 间,全国各地20多个省市数十万人专 程前往江南仪表厂参观考察,袁勤生的管理思想也传播到各地,与各级管新华通讯社《内参选编》刊发 《袁勤生与开明管理》理者、改革者碰撞出火花,成为引领乡镇企业管理改革的一枚星火。

Since 1983 to 1997,15 years, more than 20 provinces and cities across the country hundreds of thousands of people came to jiangnan instrument factory visit, Yuan Qinsheng management ideas also spread around, and tube xinhua news agency at all levels "optional" published " Yuan Qinsheng and enlightened management, reformers collision sparks, become leading the township enterprise management reform of a spark.

1986年6月8日, 《人民日报海外版》在报眼以《祖国新貌》为题 刊登了江南仪表厂车间建造“延安窑、南湖船”象征不忘初心的工厂全 貌。1990年11月12日, 《人民日报》第二版发表新华社高级记者袁养  和的《袁勤生的开明管理》。1992年9月7日和11月27日, 《新华日 报》分别以《激发活力》和《创新求索》为题先后两次发表头版头条文章。 在两个多月内连续两期头版头条报道的基础上,《新华日报》又发表了《这 里正在培育一代新人》的长篇报道,随后连续九期发表袁勤生的署名文章, 刊登袁勤生管理思想的方式方法。该报相关负责人表示:“如此版面重视,且密集刊登同一个人的事迹,在新华日报的历史上是绝无仅有的。”

On June 8,1986, the Overseas edition of People's Daily published the whole picture of "New Look of the Motherland" in the newspaper, a symbol of " not forgetting the original intention. On November 12,1990, the second edition of People's Daily published Yuan Qinsheng's Open Management by Yuan Yanghe, senior reporter of Xinhua News Agency. On September 7,1992 and November 27, Xinhua Daily published two front-page headline articles under the title of "Stimulating vitality" and "Search for Innovation" respectively. On the basis of two consecutive front-page headlines in more than two months, Xinhua Daily published a long report titled "A New Generation is being cultivated here", and then published yuan Qinsheng's signed articles for nine consecutive periods, publishing the methods of Yuan Qinsheng's management ideas. A person in charge of the newspaper said: " It is unique in the history of Xinhua Daily about the importance of the story of the same person.”


除此以外,《中国青年报》也在头版头条以《桃李不言,下自成蹊》 为题指出:  “江南仪表厂这样的规模,别说在全国,就是在长三角也是 比比皆是,但袁勤生独具特色的个人魅力让江南厂成了下自成蹊的不言桃李。”

In addition, China Youth Daily also pointed out on the front page with the headline "Peach and Plum Do not speak, Under": " The scale of Jiangnan Instrument Factory, not to mention in the whole country, even in the Yangtze River Delta, but Yuan Qinsheng's unique personal charm makes Jiangnan Factory a peach and plum.”

1994年4月,袁勤生被中共中央宣传部、中共中央组织部、国家经 济委员会、中华全国总工会联合授予“全国优秀企业思想政治工作者” 称号。事后,在四川省德阳市召开的中国职工思想政治工作年会上,袁 勤生作了专题发言,引起极大关注,时任中宣部常务副部长徐惟诚当即 在会上口头表扬,会后回京组织首都十家新闻单位前来江南仪表厂集中采访。

In April 1994, Yuan Qinsheng was jointly awarded the title of "National Excellent Enterprise Ideological and Political Worker" by the Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee, the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee, the National Economic Commission and the All-China Federation of Trade Unions. Afterwards, at the annual meeting of Chinese workers held in Deyang City, Sichuan Province, Yuan Qinsheng made a special speech, which attracted great attention. Xu Weicheng, then executive vice minister of the Propaganda Department of the CPC Central Committee, immediately praised orally at the meeting. After the meeting, he returned to Beijing to organized ten news units in the capital to come to Jiangnan Instrument Factory for concentrated interview.

1991年,袁勤生撰写的论文《以人为本的一体化激励工作法》获得“半 月谈全国思想政治工作创新奖特等奖”,随后,袁勤生又出版了《中小 企业管理思考百题》《以人为中心的管理》《开明管理与以人为本》三 本管理专著,更详细深入地阐明自己的管理思想,获得“中华全国铸魂奖”“江苏省政府社科二等奖”“苏州市政府社科两次一等奖和一次三等奖”等多个奖项。

In 1991, Yuan Qinsheng writing paper "the integration of people-oriented incentive work" won "the national ideological and political work innovation prize", then, Yuan Qinsheng and published the small and medium-sized, enterprise management thinking management of people-centered enlightened management and people-oriented three management monographs, more detailed to clarify their own management ideas, "the Chinese casting soul award", "Jiangsu province government social science second prize" "Suzhou city government social science first prize twice and a third prize", and other awards.

其中, 《中小企业管理思考百题》于1990年出版,成为中国第一部 由企业家根据自己实践发表的专著,连续三次重印,发行55000册,成 为上海当年发行量最大的一部社科类书籍。 《以人为中心的管理》由南 京大学教授杨东涛与袁勤生合著,全部依据江南仪表厂的管理实践,从 理论角度认真总结,形成了以人为中心管理的理论框架,是对“袁勤生 管理思想”专题研究的初步成果。 《开明管理与以人为本》则是国家经 贸委全国经济管理干部培训中心下达袁勤生的写作任务,国务院发展研 究中心董辅初题写书名,北京大学经济学院院长胡代光作序,中央电视台朱曦莉翻译,中国经济出版社以汉英双语种出版。

Among them, One Hundred Questions on The Management of Small and Medium Enterprises was published in 1990, which became the first monograph published by entrepreneurs according to their own practice. It was reprinted for three consecutive times and issued 55,000 copies, becoming the largest circulation social science book in Shanghai in that year."People-centered Management" is co-authored by Professor Yang Dongtao and Yuan Qinsheng of Nanjing University. All based on the management practice of Jiangnan Instrument Factory, carefully summarized from the theoretical perspective, forming the theoretical framework of people-centered management, which is the preliminary result of the special research of "Yuan Qinsheng's management thought"."Open management and people-oriented" is the national economic and trade commission national economic management cadre training center issued Yuan Qinsheng writing task, the State Council development research center Dong Fu inscribed title, dean of the school of economics at Beijing university Hu Dai light preface, CCTV Zhu Xili translation, China economic press in Chinese-English bilingual.

借由这些专著,中国特色的人本管理思想也走出了国门,迈向世界。 1999年,袁勤生作为中国乡镇企业代表团成员,应世界中小企业协会的 邀请,前往其设在印度新德里的秘书处参加会议,印度国务秘书和相关 官员专门拜访袁勤生索书;2003年7月,北京人民大会堂的《开明管理 与以人为本》首发式后,样书赠送给各国驻华使馆文化参赞;2005年11 月,袁勤生随时任国家主席胡锦涛与夫人刘永清出访西班牙,亦随带该书赠予西班牙工商峰会和欧盟中小企业协会。

With these monographs, the thought of human-oriented management with Chinese characteristics has also gone abroad and stepped into the world. In 1999, as a member of the delegation of Chinese township enterprises, Yuan Qinsheng attended the meeting at the secretariat in New Delhi, and relevant officials visited the book. In July 2003, the book in Beijing. In November 2005, Yuan Qinsheng, President Hu Jintao and his wife Liu Yongqing visited Spain, and presented the book to the Spanish Industry and Business Summit and the European Association.

《新民晚报》发表文章评价袁勤生的著作:“书名以企业管理,实 际是围绕以人为中心,推行文明管理的结晶。此书能引人入胜,给人启迪,原因无他,书是由实践的人以丰富的实践经验、独特的思维方式写成的。”

Xinmin Evening News published an article evaluating Yuan Qinsheng's work: " The title of the enterprise management, but it is the crystallization of people-centered civilized management. This book is fascinating and enlightening, for no other reason. The book is written by practical people with rich practical experience and a unique way of thinking.”

除了撰写著作,袁勤生也长期坚持授课和演讲。他在中共苏州市委 党校和苏州市农村干部学院兼职授课17年,在江苏省委组织的苏北十三 县市基层干部培训班为数千名基层干部授课,并先后被南京大学、解放 军南京政治学院、江苏经济管理干部学院等八所高校,以及中共苏州市委政策研究室、常熟市委政策研究室聘为特约研究员和兼职教授,被解放军某部队聘为政教顾问。他还曾应邀前往江浙沪等各地政府会议和大 专院校作了390多场《以人为本的开明管理》专题报告,听者约25万余 人。袁勤生以人为本开明管理的理念和方式得到了广泛的传播,也产生了深厚的影响。

In addition to writing books, Yuan has also long given lectures and speeches. He in the communist party of China in Suzhou municipal party committee party school and Suzhou rural cadre institute part-time teaching, 17 years, in Jiangsu provincial party committee organization of thousands of grassroots cadres, and has been Nanjing university, Nanjing university, the people's liberation army Nanjing political science institute, Jiangsu economic management cadre institute and other eight universities, as well as the hiring of the CPC Suzhou municipal party committee policy research, changshu municipal party committee policy research as a special researcher and part-time professor, by the people's liberation army forces. He was also invited to Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai and other places to deliver more than 390 special reports on government meetings and universities, with about 250,000 people. Yuan Qinsheng's people-oriented and enlightened management concept and way has been widely spread and also had a profound influence.

同时,袁勤生管理思想还被一大批著名作者在各自作品中广为叙述。 著名作家何建明的《大国的亮点》、杨守松的《苏州老乡》、范万钧的《给 朋友们》等作品中均有描述,有作者称“他是中国农民企业家中少有的能干、能说又能写的人”。

At the same time, Yuan Qinsheng's management thought is also widely narrated by a large number of famous authors in their respective works. The famous writer He Jianming's "Highlights of the Great Country", Yang Shousong's "Suzhou Fellow Villagers" and Fan Wanjun's "To Friends" are all described. Some authors say that "he is a rare capable, eloquent and writing person among Chinese farmers and entrepreneurs".

袁勤生的管理思想之所以影响巨大,究其原因是其内里关于“人” 的哲学思想是符合历史客观规律的,是关乎社会进步的,具有别的管理 思想无法比拟的强劲动力,随着时代的发展和社会的进步,这种将“人”作为核心的管理思想只会历久弥新,长盛不衰。

Yuan Qinsheng management thought is influential, the reason is that the inside of "people" is the historical objective law of philosophy, is about social progress, with other management thought incomparable strong power, with the development of The Times and the progress of the society, the "people" as the core of management thought will only enduring, enduring.

推动社会前行者,社会也必将其广为宣扬。袁勤生管理思想之所以 能广受社会各界的欢迎,究其原因就在于长期的发展过程中,它已不再 是纯粹的经济管理思想,更是一种解放人性的人文哲学思想,他注重解 决人民对美好生活的期望和发展不平衡的矛盾,实打实地为人民着想,尊重人,关心人,培育人,内里永恒地释放着耀眼的人性之光。

To promote the social pioneers, the society will also be widely publicized. Yuan Qinsheng management thought can be popular with the social from all walks of life, the reason lies in the process of long-term development, it is no longer, is pure economic management thought, but also a kind of liberation of human humanity, he pays attention to solve people's expectations for a better life and the development of unbalanced contradiction, solid for the sake of the people, respect people, care about people, cultivating, inside eternal release the dazzling light of human nature.


Yuan Qinsheng's management thought and social progress

将中国特色社会主义理论落到实处,为社会输送高素质人才。五十 多年来,袁勤生管理思想的作用越来越大,正孜孜不倦地推动着社会进 步,自然地,各种荣誉也接踵而至,成就可谓硕果累累,用“获奖无数”来形容他丝毫不为过。

We will fully implement the theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics and deliver high-quality talents to the society. Over the past 50 years, Yuan Qinsheng's management thought has become more and more important, which is diligently promoting social progress. Naturally, all kinds of honors come one after another. His achievements are fruitful, and it is fair to describe him as "numerous awards".


他是常熟市首批命名的十名乡镇企业家之一、首批被评为精神文明建设标兵之一、首批“拔尖”技术人才之一、常熟市政府首届专家咨询 团成员,也是常熟市首个双高职称获得者。所获奖章中,有基层政府颁发的净重50克的纯金奖章,也有国庆60周年首都阅兵纪念章。

He is one of the first ten township enterprises named in Changshu, one of the first models of spiritual civilization construction, one of the first "top" technical talents, one of the first expert advisory group member of Changshu Municipal government, and also the first double high title winner in Changshu. Among the winners are the 50-gram pure gold medal issued by the grassroots government, and the capital military parade commemorative medal for the 60th anniversary of National Day.

1989年5月,时任中顾委委员、著名理论家、中央书记处原书记、 中宣部部长邓力群来到江南仪表总厂,袁勤生向他做了大胆的汇报,单 声提出了对乡镇企业地位和作用的认识。他认为,中国是拥有九亿多农 民的农业大国,农村劳动力得不到释放,中国的现代化就难以实现。据此,袁勤生特别提出了“治穷必须同时治愚”的观点。

In May 1989, Deng Liqun, then a member of the Central Committee Committee, a famous theorist, former secretary of the Secretariat of the CPC Central Committee and head of the Propaganda Department of the CPC Central Committee, came to Jiangnan Instrument General Factory. Yuan Qinsheng made a bold report to him and put forward the understanding of the status and role of township enterprises in a single voice. He believes that China is a big agricultural country with more than 900 million farmers, and the rural labor force is not released, China's modernization will be difficult to achieve. Accordingly, Yuan Qinsheng specifically put forward the view that "poverty must be cured at the same time".

不仅重视生产力的提升,更要重视人性的解放和社会的进步。这样 的理念让袁勤生管理思想显得格外与众不同,正如联合国企业管理专家、 世界银行信息专家乔本女士在江南仪表厂考察后所说的那样:  “我到过 很多工厂,但这里和其他企业不一样,不光是为钱,还注重人的整体素质的提高,施予爱和信任。”

We should not only pay attention to the promotion of productivity, but also pay attention to the liberation of human nature and social progress. This idea let Yuan Qinsheng management thought is particularly different, as the United Nations enterprise management experts, the world bank information expert Joe Ben after jiangnan instrument factory said: " I went to many factories, but here and other enterprises, not only for money, also pay attention to the overall quality of people, to love and trust.”

2001年,王庄镇镇政府决定对企业进行第二次改制,由袁勤生收购 其他17人的全部股权改为有限公司,企业在处理好各种遗留问题后,平稳着陆。此后,年过六旬的袁勤生进驻市区,转型商业三产,并开始对过去的管理实践进行科学总结和理论研究,促使“袁勤生管理思想”更加系统化、完整化。

In 2001, the government of Wangzhuang Town decided to carry out the second restructuring of the enterprise, and Yuan Qinsheng acquired all the shares of the other 17 people to a limited company. After the enterprise dealt with various remaining problems, the company landed smoothly. Since then, Yuan Qinsheng, who is over 60 years old, entered the city and transformed the commercial industry, and began to conduct scientific summary and theoretical research on the past management practice, which made the "Yuan Qinsheng's management thought" more systematic and complete.

2013年1月,党的十八大刚闭幕一个多月,袁勤生赴博鳌参加中 国管理科学年会,与会者纷纷热议十八大对深入反腐败斗争的重要决 定。会上,他谈到了自己在个人传记《中国农民思想家》的最后章节, 用三千字的篇幅,专门书写党中央的英明果断决定,并详细讲述了自己 的认识,指出反腐斗争应“猛治”与“稳治”相结合,分析了产生腐败 的社会根源和干部堕落的原因,提出了一些反腐方面的相关方法用语。 2013年1月10月,这次发言被记者率先以《农民思想家的反腐新论》 为题发表在中国报告文学网上,凤凰网等数十家主流网站连续转载。事 隔12天后的2013年1月22日,在中纪委召开的全委会议上,习近平总 书记对“老虎苍蝇一起打”作了深入论述。从此,这句话成了中国反腐败斗争的响亮用语。

In January 2013, just more than a month after the conclusion of the 18th CPC National Congress, Yuan Qinsheng went to Boao to attend the Annual Conference of China Management Science. Participants discussed the important decisions of the 18th CPC National Congress on the fight against corruption. Meeting, he talked about his personal biography in the last chapter of "Chinese farmer thinkers", with three thousand words, specifically writing the party central committee, and detailed his understanding, points out that the anti-corruption struggle should be "fierce" and "cure", analyzes the social root of corruption and the cause of cadres, put forward some anti-corruption related methods. In January 2013, this speech was first published by the reporter on the Chinese Reportage Network under the title of "New Theory on Anti-Corruption", and was continuously reprinted by dozens of mainstream websites such as Phoenix. On January 22,2013,12 days later, at a meeting of the CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, General Secretary Xi Jinping made an in-depth discussion on "fighting tigers and flies together". Since then, this sentence has become a resounding language in China's fight against corruption.

2017年9月20日,中管院批复批准成立袁勤生管理思想研究中心, 面向全国开展“以人为本,开明管理”的理论和实践问题为重点的学术 研究,为我国管理科学决策提供信息和服务。2017年11月8日,中国 管理科学研究院学术委员会在北京举行“袁勤生管理思想研究中心”成 立揭牌仪式。这也意味着袁勤生管理思想不只是短暂适用的,更是有着无限生命力、面向未来的。

On September 20,2017, the Academy approved the establishment of Yuan Qinsheng Management Thought Research Center to carry out academic research on theoretical and practical issues of "people-oriented and enlightened management" for the whole country, providing information and services for scientific decision-making of management in China. On November 8,2017, the Academic Committee of the Chinese Academy of Management Sciences held the opening ceremony of the "Yuan Qinsheng Management Thought Research Center" in Beijing. This also means that Yuan Qinsheng's management thought is not only a temporary application, but also has infinite vitality and faces the future.

2019年12月,  “袁勤生管理思想”展示厅在常熟市建成,它以大 量的史实资料集中反映了自改革开放以来,  “袁勤生管理思想”的实践经过和逐步形成过程,向更多的人展示了袁勤生对社会发展的巨大贡献。在面对问题时,袁勤生敢于直言,针砭时弊。在面对全盘西化的改 革风潮时,他指出,中国特色社会主义是世界范围内的制度创新,管理也必须随之创新,改革不能靠移植。这与总设计师的看法完全一致: “把马克思主义的普遍真理同我国的具体实际结合起来,走自己的路,建设 有中国特色的社会主义,这正是我们总结长期历史经验得出的基本结论”《邓小平文选》(第三卷)。

In December 2019, the exhibition hall of "Yuan Qinsheng Management Thought" was built in Changshu city. It focuses a large number of historical data on the practice and gradual formation process of "Yuan Qinsheng management thought" since the reform and opening up, showing more people yuan Qinsheng's great contribution to social development. In the face of problems, Yuan Qinsheng dared to speak out and criticize the current problems. In the face of the reform trend of overall westernization, he pointed out that socialism with Chinese characteristics is an institutional innovation in the world, and management must also be innovated accordingly, and reform cannot be transplanted. This is completely consistent with the view of the chief designer: "Combining the universal truth of Marxism with the specific reality of our country, go our own way, and build socialism with Chinese characteristics, this is the basic conclusion drawn from our long-term historical experience" Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping (Volume 3).

在袁勤生看来,照搬西方国家的经验会因水土异地而味不同,另一 方面,再优秀的历史传统也因时代的发展而变陈旧,必须在借鉴古今中 外的成功经验上创新发展。  “共产党人应该敢为人先,解决各个国家、 各种制度都难以解决的世界难题,新时代具有中国特色的管理,应该在 经济提升的基础上,充分发挥我们的组织长处和制度优势,发挥我们党 的队伍强大、工青妇组织健全的特定优势,通过有效的管理和激励,促进快速提高人的整体素质。”

In Yuan Qinsheng's opinion, the experience of copying western countries will have different tastes. On the other hand, no matter how excellent the historical tradition is, it has become obsolete with the development of The Times, and we must learn from the successful experience of ancient and modern China and develop innovatively."communists should dare to first, solve various countries, various systems are difficult to solve the world problem, the new era with Chinese characteristics, should be in, on the basis of economic promotion, give full play to our organization strengths and institutional advantages, play our party's team strong, localities organization sound specific advantages, through effective management and incentives, promote rapidly improve people's overall quality.”

在当时常熟市宣传部和组织部举办的建党75周年领导干部书法展览 会上,袁勤生纵览时事,心潮澎湃,挥笔写下了“改革中发挥我党政治优势, 开放时坚信社会主义长处”的作品。这个题词的展出,大大增强了当时 人们对改革开放中坚持中国特色社会主义的信心,稳定了人们的主心骨。这里的“优势”和“自信”恰与23年后党的十九届四中全会精神完全一致。

At the calligraphy exhibition for the 75th anniversary of the founding of the Party held by the Propaganda Department and the Organization Department of Changshu City, Yuan Qinsheng surveyed the current affairs and wrote a work of "giving full play to the political advantages of our Party in the reform and firmly believing in the advantages of socialism when opening up". The exhibition of this inscription greatly enhanced people's confidence in adhering to socialism with Chinese characteristics in the reform and opening up, and stabilized people's backbone. The "advantage" and "confidence" here are exactly in line with the spirit of the fourth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee 23 years later.

袁勤生管理思想继承并发扬了中国特色社会主义的三个优点, 一是 坚持党的领导是根本原则,二是共同富裕是目标方向,三是人民当家作主是基本体制。

Yuan Qinsheng's management thought inherits and carries forward the three advantages of socialism with Chinese characteristics: first, adhering to the leadership of the Party is the fundamental principle, common prosperity is the goal direction; third, the people are masters of the country is the basic system.

袁勤生认为,党的宣传思想工作是传统的优势,对确立人们信仰、 凝聚人心和实现宗旨作用巨大,也是我们制度的特有长处,必须自信。 但在管理工作中常常出现两种极端, 一种是停留一味强调在标语口号的形式主义, 一种是彻底丢掉的抛去主义。“形式主义劳民伤财,彻底抛弃后果严重。新时代的思想政治工作, 既不能丢弃,也不可守旧,必须实现三个转变和三个结合。”袁勤生强调说,“三个转变指把以往的组织号召转变到引导上来;把以往的要求人们全部参加,转变到吸引人们自觉参与上来;把以往占用劳动时间开展转变 到占领业余阵地进行。三个结合, 一是把必要的形式和实现目标具体措 施结合起来;二是要让人们自觉践行和各种激励措施,推进不自觉践行结合起来;三是把市场经济的竞争规则和社会主义的公平原则结合起来。”

Yuan Qinsheng believes that the party's propaganda and ideological work is a traditional advantage, which plays a great role in establishing people's faith, condensing people's hearts and realizing the purpose. It is also a unique strength of our system, and we must be confident. However, there are often two extremes in the management work, one is to blindly emphasize the formalism in the slogan, the other is to abandon the doctrine completely lost."Formalism hurts people and money, and its complete abandonment has serious consequences. The ideological and political work in the new era should neither be discarded nor conservative, and must realize three changes and three combinations."Yuan Qinsheng stressed," The three changes are to shift the previous organizational call to guide; the full participation of the people to occupy amateur positions. The first is to combine the necessary form and the specific measures to achieve the goal; the second is to make people consciously practice and various incentive measures, and promote the unconscious practice; the third is to combine the competition rules of market economy and the fair principle of socialism.”

面对中国式现代化中人的现代化如何领跑全球的问题,袁勤生给出 了理论方案:人性化管理在西方乃至全球都是短板,而在中国特色社会 主义理论中人民当家作主的理念正是无与伦比的优势,因此,我们在以后的工作中,应该结合实际,探索并完善行之有效的践行方式方法。

Facing the modernization of Chinese modernization how to lead the global problem, Yuan Qinsheng gives the theory scheme: humanized management in the west and the world is short board, and in the theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics the concept of the people is unparalleled advantage, therefore, we in the later work, should be combined with the actual, explore and improve the effective practice methods.

对于袁勤生管理思想在全世界范围内的领先地位,南京大学国际商 学院院长,著名管理学专家周三多曾高度评价:  “提到企业管理,不少 人都会这样说:我国企业管理落后,这是事实。但袁勤生推行的‘以人为本开明管理’已走在世界管理潮流的前列,这同样是事实。”

As for Yuan Qinsheng's leading position in management thinking in the world, the dean of the International Business School of Nanjing University and a famous management expert once spoke highly of him on Wednesday: " When it comes to enterprise management, many people will say that it is a fact that China's enterprise management is backward. However, it is also true that Yuan Qinsheng's' people-oriented enlightened management'has been at the forefront of the world management trend.”

对此,联合国教科文组织顾问,未来学专家,中国未来研究院院长 秦麟征教授也有相同的看法:  “袁勤生管理思想是在借鉴古今中外管理 思想精华的基础上形成的,在人类社会管理思想发展的历史进程中,居 于前沿和领先地位,具有超前的未来功能,必将更好地满足中国和世界未来对管理的需求。”

To this, the United Nations educational, scientific and cultural organization consultant, future experts, China future dean professor Qin Linzheng also have the same view: " Yuan Qinsheng management thought is formed on the basis of the essence of ancient and modern Chinese and foreign management thought, in the history of the development of human social management thought, in the forefront and leading position, has the future function of advance, will better meet the needs of China and the world in the future of management.”

此外,袁勤生还就加速中国特色社会主义的核心价值观的落地提出 了建议,在建议中他指出:核心价值观自2013年公布以来,普及宣传力 度空前,但具体落地践行却至今未见成效,原因有二: 一是认识问题。 干部专家普遍认为,人们价值观的形成和共同理想信念的确立要有一个 漫长的过程,这样的观点是缺乏只争朝夕精神的,不能挖掘我国制度优 势的潜能。二是践行难度,高度概括的24个字比较笼统含糊,缺乏分级对照和实施标准。

In addition, Yuan Qinsheng also put forward suggestions on accelerating the implementation of the core values of socialism with Chinese characteristics. In the suggestions, he pointed out that since the publication of the core values in 2013, the popularization of the core values has been unprecedented, but the specific practice has not been effective. There are two reasons: First, the problem of understanding. Cadres and experts generally believe that the formation of people's values and the establishment of common ideals and beliefs should have a long process, such a view that lacks the spirit of seizing the day and cannot tap the potential of China's institutional advantages. Second, the difficulty of practice. The highly summarized 24 words are generally vague, and lack of grading comparison and implementation standards.

袁勤生认为,先行先试者首先应对12个方面分为“三级”(初、中、高)制定可清晰对照的标准,运用“三励”(鼓励、激励、奖励)和“三自” (自主定级、自报升级、自觉践行)方法,充分尊重人的意愿,积极引  导,但必须杜绝强制和惩罚,把“入规入法”的“管”和培育弘扬的“理”

有机结合起来,充实文明城市、文明家庭和文明人士的评选考核内容,发挥我国社会主义制度的特定优势,党、政、工、青、妇组织健全,各 自发力,齐抓共管,把大多数人的主动践行和推动少数人非主动践行结  合起来,用三到五年时间就基本可以达到高级标准,通过引导人的思维,  导向,动机等意识行为,自觉统一到社会主义核心价值观的全面要求上来, 补短板,强弱项,如此方能使经济强国如虎添翼,让全人类对我中华民族刮目相看,真正实现伟大复兴的中国梦。

Yuan Qinsheng thinks, first subjects first 12 aspects is pided into "three" (early, middle, high) clear contrast standard, using the "three excitation" (encourage, incentive, reward) and "three from" (independent grading, upgrade, consciously practice) method, fully respect the will of people, actively guide, but must put an end to compulsory and punishment, the "into the rules" "tube" and to carry forward the "reason" With an organic combination, Enrich the selection and assessment content of civilized cities, civilized families and civilized people, Giving full play to the specific advantages of China's socialist system, The party, government, industry, youth and women's organizations are sound, Each by its own, Jointly manage it, Combine the active practice of the majority with the non-active practice of the minority, In three to five years, By guiding the human mind, fall through, Conscious behaviors, such as motivation, Consciously unify to the overall requirements of core socialist values, improve weak links, Strong and weak items, In this way can the economic power Let all mankind look at the Chinese nation with new eyes, To truly realize the Chinese dream of great rejuvenation.

为人民的美好生活着想这件事,袁勤生时时刻刻记在心里,不知疲  倦地拿出来讲。20世纪90年代,袁勤生被中共苏州市委政策研究室聘  为特约研究员,在内部刊物《调研与参考》上就共同富裕发表文章指出: “共同富裕是中国特色社会主义的本质要求和最终目标,当前由于原有  基础和各种因素,区域和人群之间贫富差距有逐步拉大的趋势,引起各  方面的关注,根据当前实际情况,首先应采取有力措施,着力消除贫富  矛盾,要规范先富起来一部分人的社会行为,特别要规定章法,制止和  打击为富不仁和贪得无厌,增强人们对改革开放进程中在共同富裕的道  路上出现的阶梯式层次有一定的承受能力,通过勤劳致富、发挥能力致富、创新创造致富,见贤思齐。”

For the sake of the better life of the people, Yuan Qinsheng always remember in his heart, tirelessly took out to tell. In the 1990s, Yuan Qinsheng was appointed as a special researcher by the Policy Research Office of the CPC Suzhou Municipal Committee, In an internal journal, Research and Reference, an article on common prosperity pointed out: " Common prosperity is the essential requirement and ultimate goal of socialism with Chinese characteristics, At present, due to the existing foundation and various factors, The gap between the rich and the poor between regions and populations is gradually widening, Draw attention from all sides, According to the current actual situation, First, strong measures should be taken, We will strive to eliminate the contradiction between the rich and poor, To regulate the social behavior of some people who get rich first, In particular, To stop and combat the rich and insatiable, To enhance people's ability to bear the ladder level on the road of common prosperity in the process of reform and opening up, Get rich through hard work, productive ability, innovation and creation, emulate those better than oneself.”

促进历史进步者,历史也必将其深刻铭记。袁勤生管理思想在中国 特色社会主义中萌芽,在实践的沃土里成长,在历史的天空下开花结果。  它由企业及社会,由工人及人民,由经济及文化,无物不提升,无事不促进。 它成就于过去,推动着当下,指导着未来,它不再属于个人,而是成为中华民族共同的思想精神财富。

Those who promote the progress of history will also remember it deeply. Yuan Qinsheng's management thought sprouted in the socialism with Chinese characteristics, grew up in the fertile soil of practice, and blossomed and bore fruit under the sky of history. It is promoted by enterprises and society, by workers and people, by economy and culture, nothing, nothing. It is achieved in the past, promotes the present, and guides the future. It no longer belongs to the inpidual, but has become the common ideological and spiritual wealth of the Chinese nation.


作者: 开钫


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